(#017) [School Life?]

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Mic: "Morning LADIES AND GENTS I will be hosting your very first class, SHOW ME SOME HYPE!"

Everyone: "..."

Mic: "This crowd never gives me a break, anyways..."

*The class is disturbed due to different reasons than lack of shared enthusiasm as they are only reminiscing of the the stakes of their orientation substitution now realising their first official class with a teacher who, in contrast to the quiet Aizawa, is infamous for being loud & eccentric meaning their session may potential be even more nerve wracking!*

*Minutes Later*

Mic: "Cmon listeners how are you gonna be in public at all if your too shy to participate in class when I ask questions, you should take language classes seriously, never underestimate the power of the VOICE~"

Students: ("Class is NORMAL!?")

*Put at ease the students come to the conclusion that Aizawa was merely an exception and not the status quo for teachers in UA*

*As regular academic lessons concluded to the relief of the non studious students, they took their time to enjoy their lunch break at the cafeteria managed by the professional Japanese cooking hero LUNCH RUSH!*

Ochako: "Me and Eli-Chan will be at the table while you get what you need"

Izuku: "Thanks for holding the fort I will be back in a while"

*In the neighbouring hallway Izuku cannot help but be drawn to the faint sound of familiar music, following the source he ends up bumping into someone around the corner*

???: "Ouch hey watch it dude"

Izuku: "Oh my goodness I am so sorry I"

*Music previously loud enough to be heard through her unusual earphones now unplugged and clarivoyantly clear*

Izuku: "Oh WOW I love that bands music"

???: "Really?!"

*Momentarily shocked Izuku cannot get a word out as she lists facts about the band's hits and how their song is not superficial but symphonious and modern*

???: "Ah sorry, I was just rambling"

Izuku: "No no, I agree, besides your passion was quite pleasant to see"

???: "T-thanks"

*Brushing off her skirt she lowers her hand to hoist Izuku*

*Brushing off her skirt she lowers her hand to hoist Izuku*

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