Chapter #024 The Betrayal begins

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Izuku:.... *sigh*, yes
Izuku: I just recently found out, and I dont want to be judged by it,.... but my father..... is the No1 villain...
Everyone: !!!!.....
Natsu: agreed, you have helped everyone here and we all believe in you, who care of your lineage, you dont want to take after him do you?
Tokoyami: Child born of the demon who tricked the mortal and now his son bears the curse of his blood as well as the furry against it
Izuku: uh guys-
[Jiro slips and opens door]
Iida: I'm...sorry but when we arrived about the noise....hiro San overheard...
Jiro: is it true?....
Mina: that explains the super powers and the menacing aura, your the son of the most wanted villain
Izuku: it's not like that, I dont plan on ever straying from my dream of a hero
Mina/+/jiro: villain you mean
Denki: Jiro!!!
Kiri: Mina?!?
Natsu: that was uncalled for you didnt need to say anything like that, he obviously isn't a vil-
Iida: I'll say this once Midoriya kun, leave U.a now, or me and the rest of the remaining heroes of class 1a, will take you down
Izuku: !!!

a now, or me and the rest of the remaining heroes of class 1a, will take you downIzuku: !!!

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Izuku: iida please dont do this, dont do it

Iida: you have made your decision
Natsu: why yo-.
Izuku: *stops natsu*
Natsu:name one reason i shouldn't tear this robocop dipshit for spreading bullshit about the most kind and pure hero on this Whole damn fucking campus

Izuku: *stops natsu*Natsu:name one reason i shouldn't tear this robocop dipshit for spreading bullshit about the most kind and pure hero on this Whole damn fucking campus

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Izuku: because we shouldn't do anything but stop all fights between them and us, I know you alone can defeat at least a quarter of the., but if you attack, they can brand you as proof of my so called evil
Natsu: tch
Momo: I'm so sorry you have to be hated for the fact of your heritage when you just learnt it.
Killua: looks like you really hate both your father and step father now huh?
Sijione: I am really sorry fo-
Izuku: I dont hate him
Everyone: !!!
Zerotwo: if you say things like that people will misunderstand you for actually joining him
Izuku: I dont have second thoughts, regardless of whether my entire family were villains, I love the way heroes save people, and will never take back the path I have taken to protect t the innocent, those I love, and fight evil
Izuku: however in spite of his tittle and history, he isn't completely evil.
Izuku: i always felt eyes watching over me
Izuku: i would always end up with good fortune whenever my haters weren't around, and i noticed how the asskateers got a perfect scar in the form of an x on their backs and nightmares nearing the later years of my torment
Izuku: I'm guessing he thought that if he took me in and destroyed the ones who were hurting his beloved son he knew i would turn dark
Kirishima: how can you be so sure that he held back cuz he loved you? What if he just didn't care enough,
Izuku: everyone thought I was useless, but eventually only these three continued as everyone who bullied me had bad luck,
Izuku: as a kid I'd always think, maybe I am being looked after, and they kept interupting that thought process by returning me to the brink of sanity.
Izuku: without a doubt, from how hes treated me and the stories of how my mom told about him, hes selfish,conniving,dark,destructive
But he cares about his subordinates and loves me and Mom so much, I can tell after putting the pieces together
Izumi: so in other words you not only admit to your tainted blood in spite of sharing a roof with me for so long, but you confess to being a villain?!?
Izuku: I confess to loving my father, not the person he has become, and nothing about being all for one or anything
Izuku: just the fact that he is the only man in the world who cares and loved me, I would have committed suicide or died from over abusive bullying if he hadn't always subtly intervened
Katsuki: *lunges at izuku*

Dennis: *spurts smoke into katsuki face causing his eyes to bring from the sulfur splash* I'm not done yet, you three, I've searched Izubros mind, you two are sick, one more move and I'll have your very cells rottingKatsumi: like to see ya try wit...

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Dennis: *spurts smoke into katsuki face causing his eyes to bring from the sulfur splash* I'm not done yet, you three, I've searched Izubros mind, you two are sick, one more move and I'll have your very cells rotting
Katsumi: like to see ya try without hurting everyone el-
Dennis: you think me and Izuku can only finish you with big explosions?
Dennis: "vacuum inhale" causes the air to become thin and charged next attack further depending on the number of people and the carbon dioxide they're emitting
Dennis: "Exertive exhale" emits a cloud of toxic concentrated carbon smog on the shitrio and they start to choke
Dennis: tch *reverts*
Izuku: *absorbs all carbon from they're skin phores*
Katsuki: villain trying to execute the only ones he hasn't brainwashed?

Killua: one more word and I'll end you in a microsecondIzuku: that's enough!Izuku: me and Dennis started itSijione: ?! We all saw katsuki try toIzuku: he just plunged I attacked with a lethal variation of my quirk rather than a knockout version wh...

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Killua: one more word and I'll end you in a microsecond
Izuku: that's enough!
Izuku: me and Dennis started it
Sijione: ?! We all saw katsuki try to
Izuku: he just plunged I attacked with a lethal variation of my quirk rather than a knockout version which would have been more easier
Izuku: me and Dennis were in the wrong
Dennis: (after all that your making yourself the bad guy?!?!?)
Izuku: ( I only spoke facts, do you not understand yet of the situation WE made?)
Dennis: (I understand, I'll keep myself in check for your sake as well as mine)
Denki: sorry for asking but who is Dennis?
Izuku: its complicated, I dont know much and just discovered him but, to my knowledge so far hes a sentient part of my mind that has it's own persona and efficiencies
Denki: do you have multiple personality disease?
Tokoyami: I do not believe that is the case, however from your perspective I understand that conclusion, somewhat
Izuku: so yeah, hes kind of my lily bro made from my mind who acts like my Jarvis and alters the cells in my body at will while feeding me information he gathers

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