(#003) [Despair & Heroism]

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*To everyone's suprise a burly bulky man with upright golden hair comes to Izuku's aid*

*To everyone's suprise a burly bulky man with upright golden hair comes to Izuku's aid*

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(Artist Credit: TomislavArtz)

???: “Do not fear little one, for I am he-, oh, seems you have already apprehended the criminal, impressive”

Izuku: “Almight?! Oh my gosh my gosh oh my gosh”

Almight: “Wait, kid, FOCUS! Don't let your guard down!”

*As the Sludge villain attacks izuku *

Almight: “Shit”

*almight quickly uses shockwaves to subdue the villain and bottles him quickly before attending to Izuku*

Almight: “You alright kid?”

*Unbothered by the surprise and shaking it off*

Izuku: “Now that you are here I am!, I am such a big fan of yours, uhm, crap, what do I have on me, ahah!, can you sign my notebook for me please sir”

Almight: “Why sure I can”

*After he finishes signing Izukus notebook he skeptically examines Izuku*

Almight: “hmm, do I, know you from somewhere”

Izuku: “OH I wish!”

*As almight concludes his signing and social formalities, he analyzes the villain bleeding from his eye*

Almight: “What quirk did you use to defeat him?, he may be Sludge, but he is bleeding quite a bit for such a slippery guy”

Izuku: “O-oh, I used a piece of glass… I… dont have a quirk…”

Almight: “ OH, I am sorry to hear that, but seeing you handle your own even without it, I'm sure your going to do just fine in life kid, Hah, Hah, Hoh crap look at the Time I have got to go”

*Unable to ask the Myriad of questions he wanted to due to mere social fear Izuku slaps himself straight and Gathers the courage to ask at least this one*

 Izuku: “Do you think someone without a quirk can become a hero?...sir?”

Almight: “I, think that sounds like a dangerous idea, besides I'm sure your great at other things”

*Without a second thought almight bottles the liquid villain, shoves him in his pocket, and leaves in a burst*

*Izuku realises although he did not say no and tried his best to praise the young boy as he learned how to deal with the crowds without being direct or crass with his real thoughts but Izuku could tell, even his own idol did not have any confidence in Izuku, or rather not him personally but in anyone who wishes to rush into danger without a quirk*

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