Chapter #031 The tournaments begin

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Mic:First match begins Mina Ashido class 1a Versus Class 1s Natsu Dragneel,

Midnight: let the match...BEGIN!

Authors Pov: Natsu begins out bursting using fire in simple karionò teken (idk if that's how you sound out his iron fist of the fire dragon impact in Japanese language) and swivels with his enhanced left and right hooks unaware due to an attention divided at explanation mina creates a protective sludge that takes the burning of ranged attacks, natsu judges this as his correct judgement in using a blunt attack until he began realizing he was stuck in her sticky trapped surface of her sludge which puts his hands in a bi d till he uses his fire dragon talons style and cuts his way out with blaze kicks and turning his head to acid such as blinding citrus and toxic acid which in turns doesn't have much work with his coating defensive transmutation of his fores didn't negate her attack and he ended up getting burnt cells from toxicity and his eyes irritated excruciatingly by her citrus acids however what she didn't account for was the sheer spirit in this warrior loving the thrill of battle, as he kept swinging blindly using only his hearing and smell he kept using his flaming iron fist style and managed to take her down with his overwhelming force and just not caring that she weakened him negating her style of combat

Next battle was believe it or not also shoto versus zero, seems cannon but I swear it was a random roll, shoto and aero greet each other with smiles before they launched their attacks, unknown to most since his power is thermokenisis his fire and ice are based of extensions of hot temperatures and cold  as he condenses the air with cool then ignites it to create his flames meaning he cant make fire without cooling his body from using cold first, so drops the temperature for the water particles in the air and made instead of a mass scale piercing ice berg he created a wide mass one in order to avoid his strong tape and adhesive attacks and then heated the condensed air creating an infernal spiral around his forearm and launched it as what seemed like a horizontal fire tornado aimed as a beam boiling his adhesive and keeping sero in one space in order for him to take out sero with no where to run from his cryo beam, knowing that he may be ended since his adhesives are negated now trapped in this heat spiral he dives in desperation to manage an attack and thus  gets caught while grazing shoto on his cheek as shoto didn't want to mess his aim or take his opponents minimum satisfaction away from them as he immobilized sero he took the hit and ended the match more swiftly without showing off as much or exerting too much energy since he cant simply make ice and fire like cannon.

Fumikage Tokoyami Versus Shoka Todoroki.
Unfortunately for shoka, she put up the best fight she could, but without any cold or hot aspects in range she wasn't able to do anything against tokoyamis dark shadow, in spite of the time of day it still obliterated her, she was literally flying out of the ring ( shoka was stubborn and wouldn't leave bounds without a fight so he sent her flying) unlike the battle training where the structure had ice from its nearby freezer units and left over from photos battle, this time shoto melted his ice away to keep a clean field for the next, Sorry shoka💀

For our fourth match we have Izumi yagi Versus Eijiro Kirishima!.
After the match started izumi launched herself quickly but not as quickly as eijiro, eijiro went for a full on assault as well, this shocked izumi until he pivoted and while she hurled confused to the floor he took the time to incase himself in his rumble hardening (animes red riot unbreakable)
In this mode he then charged like a juggernaut slow in steps but smooth like a charging tank, izumi energized her lower limbs and flipped over kirishima landing a punch from above to his head tripping him, but no real damage was dealt. Izumi wanted to end things quickly as kiri is best at endurance battles however his quirk was perfect for setting up endurance battles as his defense kept absorbing damage from her impacts and his offensive capability always kept her on her toes. After several blows they were at the point where the other matches ended but kiri was still half stable form while izumi was exhausted, she hated how her need to control herself let her launch insane number of impacts but he absorbed it, he only took damage when she amped it up to 34-40% thus not wanting to waste time by hiding it she abandoned her empower style and recklessly launched a 100% one for all smash breaking kiris armour finally and he stumbled out of bounds bringing her to victory with a lot of sweat and a broken arm.

Ending the matches here so far as the endurance match killed too much time and desperate izumi blew half the ring the contestants take this opportunity to relax

Izuku: hmmm what should I do in the mean time?
Eli/Akeno/Shoka/Ocha: come with me!!!
[ the girls look at each other]
Akeno: no fair eli your the only one left and you will probably win
Shoka: akeno you will probably fuck him won't you?
Eli: dont leave me out of this
Mei: *walks in* or me girls
Izuku: !!!
Ocha: see what I mean?
Izuku: (but they haven't confessed, I'm confused from how they're putting it, did they want to eat,play,fuck or date? I cant tell unless this clears up)
Izuku: sorry girls but I'm actually thinking of going on a date wit-
Ocha: Elizabeth
Ocha: oops spoiled the suprise hehehe
Ocha: *whispers to izuku* if your gonna form your harem I rather Elizabeth be taken in now rather than later, plus I know you love her the second most
Shoka: is this true?
Akeno: awww boo

Izuku: hmmm what should I do in the mean time?Eli/Akeno/Shoka/Ocha: come with me!!![ the girls look at each other]Akeno: no fair eli your the only one left and you will probably winShoka: akeno you will probably fuck him won't you?Eli: dont leave ...

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Eli: I-I-I Feel the same!
Izuku: !!!!
Ocha: *whispers* have fun but you have to save your v card for me anything else goes~
Izuku: *whispers back in annoyance* then maybe I'll make you moan so hard you won't speak or walk after were done

Eli: I-I-I Feel the same!Izuku: !!!!Ocha: *whispers* have fun but you have to save your v card for me anything else goes~ Izuku: *whispers back in annoyance* then maybe I'll make you moan so hard you won't speak or walk after were doneOcha:

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Ocha: (dammit I still cant top him yet)


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