(#005) [Familial Love & Hate]

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Izuku: "..."

Izumi: "But I thought you said the power should be utilized by the quirkless"

Toshi: "That is why I was originally going to give it to your brother"

Izuku: "!!!"

Izuku: (...Stop it...)

Toshi: "But after seeing your bravery, your sense of selflessness to protect others"

Izuku: (...please stop this...)

Toshi: "You are worthy, moreover during the tests as to the backlash of your quirk, it turns out you're an Anomaly, you were born both with and without my quirk, because I have a quirk within me that I'd passed on through DNA, any children of a user of the quirk inherit some of their parents power even without holding the quirk, although minimal, however you inherited my quirklessness which fused with your mother's psychic powers, your the only quirk/quirkless hybrid and you have my DNA in your own, if i were to give this power to someone I trust to be my successor, the next symbol of peace, powerful and worthy"

*Unable to remain still any longer Izuku runs down the stairs out the door passing by his returning mother whom could only see a crying Izuku run by, her psychic, feminine and motherly intuition told her to leave him alone he needed his alone time buy to find the source of his sorrow and anguish instead*

Izumi: "I was so distracted, was that Izuku mom?!"

Inko: "Yes, and the poor boy looked devastated, what the hell did you lot do and why are you even here I was just about to drive to pick you up from the hospital"

Toshi: "We didn't do anything, I brought her home early to tell her about one for all because I didn't want him to overhear, but, it seems like that was a bust"

Inko: "Why did you not want him involved in a discussion about the issue we agreed he was going to inherit the quirk"

Toshi: "But Inko darling, none of the previous one for all users chose their successors just because they were close to the successor they had to choose the best people they could at their time"

Inko: "Until you discovered the quirkless were perfect vessels, besides we already talked about this, we both saw the younger you in him, he may be quirkless but so are you, yet not only did you become the strongest user you became the symbol of peace, we both know that the successor to "All-Might" should be someone with the quirkless trait that is becoming more scarce as more people have children and more quirks fuse, but above all be worthy of the responsibility for the sake of everyone"

Toshi: "And Izumi proved that-"

Inko: "By being fucking reckless? I saw Izuku's notebook when he was beating himself up thinking it was his fault for not stepping in that Izumi got hurt, he devised a plan to try and help, he would have handled it smarter"

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Inko: "By being fucking reckless? I saw Izuku's notebook when he was beating himself up thinking it was his fault for not stepping in that Izumi got hurt, he devised a plan to try and help, he would have handled it smarter"

Izumi: "But he didn't act! The plan is useless if never executed, he didn't have the courage"

Inko: "... I won't be petty I will admit in that situation you were the one who saved the day and I can't pretend I would think Izuku would have done something but we both know it is not because he was a coward"

Izumi: "But you acknowledge I got results and he didn't, don't you think you're showing too much favoritism?! "

Inko: "I'm sorry, but it is not about that, I show that much care because he needs more attention since he struggles so much"

Izumi: "So because he is incompetent and I am not I have to be neglected?!"

Toshi: "You do show favoritism honey"

Inko: "And you don't? At least I spend time checking in on them and listening to both of them you didn't even know about his bruises and I'm sure you don't even know what he did yesterday"

Toshi: "Uhh..."

Inko: "I am not saying you are terrible people and I am a saint, no one is perfect especially not parents and it is difficult for our different views to coincide and I am not the mother you deserve but we have to work together *sigh* I am going to go look for him"

Izumi: (She even admits she is neglecting me, dammit just because you acknowledge your not a perfect mother doesn't make it better, she is too clouded by her love for her first born son that she won't even realize I am the best option, if this one for all is as serious as dad says the world depends on the next successor to all might, we can't let our emotions get in the way, sure I am his favorite daughter but that does not have anything to do with it. He needs a young, determined, strong, smart and quirkless person. I am braver than Izuku, I am stronger than Izuku, muscles don't count, I get better grades and I am the world's first stable quirkless quirked hybrid, actually I am not stable! My psychic powers come with too many drawbacks because I am half quirkless and cannot handle it, Dad is doing me a favor and correcting the glitch from his genes, there are so many reasons I should be the successor and not any reason he should be compared to me, I am willing to do whatever it takes, just because he is a fanboy does not mean he can be a great hero there are billions of fanboys but only one of me, even if she will not accept it now she will when she sees how well I do, Izuku is my brother and I do love him, as much as I hate him, but when you have weak family you have to protect them, pushing them to chase a doomed dream is just cruel false hope, I will be the realist and save him the pain, if he just sits back when I make it big I will give him everything he wants I will pamper him, I will take care of him better than you can mom, then you will thank me, I am the future of this family and I know best, I'll prove it)

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