Chapter #055 Missing Something

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Desen: HOW CAM HE TELL? First the invisibility now he can tell the disperse is fake, and he is so certain and sure

Deku: {That's it!!!!! Hes quick to calm himself after a surprise like that even though we surprised him with a simpler atta k, why would the less simple double strategy be less effective? Only difference is he could see, his quirk is eye based and I'm guessing its able to reach such a state where he can scan things to such detail it SEES THE FUTURE}

SirNightEye: ( this second voice operates the first clone  and he seems to have realised and figured out something, but he was too surprised and confused on several occasions theres no way he could possibly know, but maybe deku told him, they might have a link, they know my quirk, I have to act, but how even that one a clone? When did he do it? And hoe do they have different densities as if ones set and the others natural, since he entered this room the fake deku has been unchanged and had no chances and the second fake was more realistic yet still fake yet dispersed and revealed itself to figure out my quirk even though it had the greatest oppurtunity to sneak attack me, if I analyses the memories and check from before he entered the room the trail out my door is still the same as the 1st fake so it culdnt have been before,... or can it.... WAIT)

SirNightEye: BEFORE you had an idea of my quirk and wanted to test it, you made the 2 clones before you even entered so that I couldnt see any changes and trust my quirk, and you didnt come through the door, the one time I didnt watch my surroundings the one time I didnt pay attention to a subordinate I disciplined and why my eyes told me she might not be lying, she did close the window but you opened it so the clones entered without leaving trails at the door or hallway and you could use the one time I locked eyes on you senselessly, i disregarded her and the window from my analysis in order to evaluate you and already failed the moment i did, i underestimated you and APOLIGISE, your intellect surpasses my own and your nothing like all mights spoiled brat inheritor with exception of power and will,  you have surpassed all mights qualities in his silver age, however you lack two things now, you proven you beat my tactics and strategy but need will to be worthy and Experience to be wise

Deku: looks like we both found out each others secrets, ones no one else but we could discover, however you said I need will and experience, so does that mean we have to continue


SirNightEye: No,  those things you shall pick up on the job as professional's do

Desen: PUSSY

Densen: ( speaking of, you havent done anything lemon like in a while in fact )

Densen: deku why are you a virgin with this harem growing around you


SirNightEye: Your personal life isnt my business and polygamy is legalised due to certain quirk laws however I recommend to focus on your work and career than satisfying your desires

Densen: I know right~😏😈🤣

Deku: it's not like dat

Deku: it's not like dat

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