Chapter #036 Round two

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Author: so as I was saying I think nejire in the harem should be changed because- oh shit, Flextape !!! Why didnt you tell me the story started? Stop showing this fourth walls window and jump back in ROLL THE CLIP AND MAKE THESE FIGHTS INTENSE, oh wait it's only me here to do that 😓.
Mic: We have the powerhouse of fire and martial dragon NATSU DRAGNEEL
Midnight: and his opponent is non other than the tanked icy hot hottie
Aizawa: let the match...
Inko: BEGIN!!!
Author : Immediately the two charged at each other, once started producing a chill so cold it was a visible gas that was spreading fast, the other completely melted the chill fog off his self but was caught in a dense smokescreen around him with flames flickering from random directions, natsu prepared to burn it away with a flame spiral till a cannon of flames shot and left natsu pivoting, however during to natsus quirk which can produce flames enough for martial arts and energizing however his flame eating factor can increase his power tremendously, thus shoto wasn't a good match, as natsu attempted to eat a part of the shot a massive iceberg came from the opposite direction of the shot and froze most of the stadium

Inko: BEGIN!!!Author : Immediately the two charged at each other, once started producing a chill so cold it was a visible gas that was spreading fast, the other completely melted the chill fog off his self but was caught in a dense smokescreen aro...

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When natsu burns himself out he gets sucker punched with an ice gauntlet before shoto runs away. Natsu is struggling, he didnt have enough fire to eat, without any external fire he cant produce ranged attacks , and even his melee power that was almost in league with izumi 10-20% is drawn back, shoto took advantage of this and baited natsu with fire and then tested if his flames aren't efficient enough, but natsus fire dragon slayer arts have been tempered into him to completely clear any cold efficiently with internal energy, longterm frostbite won't take natsu down, and in terms of quirkless builds and pure muscle natsu is second only to izuku who trained with a build since he was a child. As such shoto had to choose between endurance match or end ur quickly, while he thought natsu cut through the smokescreen chilled ice till shoto covered his right side with ice and faced his left side away for the ice wall to cover him completely, natsu punches a ice barricade shaped as if shoto was still holding it, but shoto came around and tried to punch natsu till natsu caught the punch still looking away from shoto then tripped shoto and as flame build in natsus palm

Shoto created a stream of ice overlapping each other "Tidal Bergs" flowing like waves kept compacting natsu till natsu released a major fire breath and came rushing out with sweat dripping  both shoto and natsu were exhausted, however natsu isn't ...

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Shoto created a stream of ice overlapping each other "Tidal Bergs" flowing like waves kept compacting natsu till natsu released a major fire breath and came rushing out with sweat dripping  both shoto and natsu were exhausted, however natsu isn't quite smart besides combat and somehow forgot that shoto can rapidly heat ice particles to make his flame and natsu found all the chilling mist aimed from shoto to natsu, shoto ignite the flames at rapid second speeds, natsu realised and countered using the last of his energy to launch himself and create one final punch and imitated Cannon Anime dekus moment

Shoto created a stream of ice overlapping each other "Tidal Bergs" flowing like waves kept compacting natsu till natsu released a major fire breath and came rushing out with sweat dripping  both shoto and natsu were exhausted, however natsu isn't ...

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In the end we find natsu still standing, shoto is on his knees, natsu bounces off the wall he was struck into from the explosion, in spite of it being as strong as the cannons explosion natsu withstood it barely enough he rushed to shoto, with no ...

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In the end we find natsu still standing, shoto is on his knees, natsu bounces off the wall he was struck into from the explosion, in spite of it being as strong as the cannons explosion natsu withstood it barely enough he rushed to shoto, with no energy left natsu was about to swing using his pure muscle and will when shoto dropped and fell unconscious from too much freezing and burning. Natsu was about to celebrate when midnight called for shotos victory and his defeat, natsu was about to complain when he realised, he propelled himself off a wall, there were no walls in the ring, he was struck out of bounds. He was internally infuriated but accepted the fair fight and smiled, he carried shoto away as heroes were talking either about how nasty would have won without the limitations or that shotos power has adaptability as support as well as raw power. Impressed old man in a yellow shirt sat in his bleacher and smiled at this match. The next match was starting. We have Fumikage Tokoyami Versus Izumi Yagi. Fumikage opens up with dark shadow attacking izumi with an outburst, Izumi charges herself up, unfortunately for Fumikage her charge up boosting from empower emits light, not ranged but melee so her smashes will be extremely effective, however tokoyami doesnt falter, fumikage leaps into the air and is met by izumi midair, as izumi begins to roast                  "dumb tokoyami", she notices dark shadow grappled to the ground and flung tokoyami to the ground behind her, confused she attacks tokoyami and tokoyami pivots and repeats the cycle of moving izumi in position and hiding in the shade of her body, that's when she realised tokoyami said that his shadow is absorbed in the process, and he could be charging with her own, making this an endurance match would be effective on izumi since her focus on her cells empowering comes with a time limit if used recklessly, she then adds ofa and proceeds her eight percent mode and starts moving beyond tokoyamis predictions and tokoyami turns dark shadow into a wall taking the hits, after tokoyami apologised to dark shadow he turns dark shadow into a cocoon and hides in the center of the stage, when izumi struck it the cocoon exploded and she was struck by a tokoyami clouded in darkness

 Fumikage opens up with dark shadow attacking izumi with an outburst, Izumi charges herself up, unfortunately for Fumikage her charge up boosting from empower emits light, not ranged but melee so her smashes will be extremely effective, however to...

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Tokoyamis fortification of all the shadow hes accumulated minimised dark shadows form to recreate pure armour.Izumi doesn't let this slide and launches a shockwave of wind countered by one arm cutting the heavy gale horizontally and moves closer slowly, izumi lacked obstacles to maneuver using full cowling and her minimised empower x ofa wasn't effective against tokoyamis reinforcements and as such she concludes she needs to slightly go over the limit and begins to damage her fingers, not so much we can see but strains as if she overworked in the gym spreads as her fingers hold tokoyami back and then proceeds to use her full arm at 12% until tokoyami reduces his backs shadow force and enlarges his fists and forces izumi to counter with 15% if she had space she could move like
( deku in ground beta cannon anime)
However due to lack of experience and control plus bad setting she is forced to simply be pushed back slowly adjusting her output until tokoyami ends the farce by reducing all the darkness into his right arm, izumi dropped her caution and smashed a shockwave at 50% met with brunt flesh from the energy but was suprised, the arm she aimed for had been damaged as much as she was but the shadow switched to his left before she landed the hit and tokoyami knocks out izumi countering both her reckless bitch side and her perfectionist cautious sides in the fight sacrificing an arm in the process.

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