(#008) [Monarch's Metamorphosis]

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*Izuku, not wanting to waste a single moment of his new opportunity implored his mother to send him elsewhere away from distractions, away from home, give him a chance to train, reluctantly she submitted to his pleas knowing his dedication she knew he would handle himself, most importantly, children his age would be suffering shell shock like trauma but despite what he faced alone he is not shaken by the sight of fire but ecstatic, she had to, for the very reason of worrying for him, she couldn't refuse*

*Now in a secluded space similar to the incinerated beach of glass and scrap metal he finds seclusion to train and adapt to his newfound powers and abilities for the following 9 remaining months, his body already fit enough now he has to train his strange and unfamiliar quirk appropriately, although not much can be done in a manner of months in comparison to those with over a decade of training, he too did not slack off during his childhood and has training of his own, standard military and martial training which is often neglected in this world due to quirks, at least for anyone his age, taking to his only advantage in the meantime he begins to assimilate his quirk in his own fashion henceforth*

9/10 Months Remaining Before the Entrance Examination

*A month was wasted on the yagi siblings recovery but that wouldn't stop them, especially Izuku, the first step to his power before utilising its offensive or tactical capabilities was assessing its requirements and drawbacks, and after several te...

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*A month was wasted on the yagi siblings recovery but that wouldn't stop them, especially Izuku, the first step to his power before utilising its offensive or tactical capabilities was assessing its requirements and drawbacks, and after several tests Izuku has concluded that his quirk absorb carbon emissions such as smoke and ash caused from combustions resulting in toxic aftermaths, by collecting such materials Izuku began to feel energised, he practised sorting what can be absorbed and what cannot, the efficiency of absorption as well as his maximum capacity, he used his mental control skills such as meditation or sleep training to create subconscious habits and tendencies, After several attempts at assessing his quirk, it's energy seems to be a major weakness as he consumes large amounts of energy to use his quirk, and he cannot reabsorbed expelled energy as it becomes purified and dispersed no longer any different than hot air after enough time for dissipation, this of course is one of two major weaknesses, the other is best kept as a secret for the time being*

8/10 Months Remaining Before the Entrance Examination

8/10 Months Remaining Before the Entrance Examination

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