Chapter #038 Prolonged Combat

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Intro is a cap cut edit opening for my new villain deku fanfic anyways

Author: eren lashes out on sijione but has trouble since agile slash fighters like him are the major weakness of titans like mikasas as such he leaves the body and instead uses the fact that he can accumulate the titans powers generally and use it while in human form ,
surges the energy from throughout his body through his arms swing

Author: eren lashes out on sijione but has trouble since agile slash fighters like him are the major weakness of titans like mikasas as such he leaves the body and instead uses the fact that he can accumulate the titans powers generally and use it...

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Author: sijione messed up, he can see an individual's movements with his analysis sharingan but seeing their internal actions such as moving internal energy is difficult just as himawaris analysis byakugan can see internal but not as well for external actions. Sijione wipes the blood from his nose and dodges the claws erens small form has made grazing his cheek.
Eren made the right choice, erens biological adaptations are best utilized in his base form and now sijione is backed up to using his misdirection, his sharingan quirk isn't like uncle kakashi summoning, grandpa madaras susanoo, he has to develop his own, his justu and martial arts plus his misdirection has won him every round but eren is a tank, his piercing power is the most fearsome and his impact force beats out natsus even with fire charge, he cant produce any ranged attacks, oh wait he can, suddenly the floor lined with a white crystal concrete substance and eren used the keratin factor of his body to create a replication fo the war hammers spikes and cut sijione side by side and den created a crystalized keratin sword and started spinning becoming a buzzsaw and sijione ducks them knocks the sword out of hand and stabs eren in his side with the sword
Eren: *coughs blood*
Author: sijione realises he stabbed his appendix
Eren: pulls the sword out and swings but suddenly falls
Eren: hey dont call the match off this *crawls prone style* isn't *coughs blood* over , I am still moving and I haven't given up, also ik in the ring, stay back midnight sensei,
Sijione: I'll surrender just use your titan form
Eren: bullshit, and become a target?
Eren: I'm not even hurt that bad
Sijione: you have lost alot of blood look at the trail behind you, if you didnt pull out the sword your wound would have never sealed
Sijione: I'll surrender just get to an infirmary
Eren: bullshit I said I can fight
Sijione: no you can- wait did I just say your wound healed
Eren: yep, *jumps and surge kicks sijione out of bounds*
Sijione: *barely apports himself back using his speed "apport" (is his misdirection speed used to fake warping)
Eren: hey you cant call me a liar, I didnt even pretend I was dying, I said I could fight
Sijione: (fuck hes right, pathetic I have the sharingan, I should be messing with people's minds but he never said he was done, he confessed he was able to fight but I pitied him)
Eren: seriously shinobi like you and ojiro always think hard about your faults even during a fight, me saying I never lied was both truth and a distraction
Eren: *pins sijione and slams his head in the floor*
Eren: I'f instead of immediately looking at your fault if you finished the fight than honoured me it wouldn't have been this easy, I didnt mean to fool you and tech ically I didnt, is implied told the truth, I confessed I had strength and said that the reason I had advantage over you is because you didnt realise and lastly just because you felt for both you hesitated and I had an opening,
Sijione: I'm a pathetic shinobi
Eren: no you did well, you need experience to understand that there are enemies you cant be taught to deal with unless your out on the field
Eren: from the stories ojiro told me and from what I've seen, your the most talented and hes the most powerful of your generations and you have the most potential, you guys were able to surpass any shinobi from your levels in history, all shinobi kakashi,naruto,sasuke,minato all of them had experience, it's only been a few weeks out of your village and this is one of your first real fights, get some experience and you two may be the best shinobi of all time, or at least the most powerful and talented.
Sijione: thanks man
Aizawa: The final match before the judges decide the ascendor , A Smoking hot cinnamon roll with a monster iq and mad vibes we have Izuku Midoriya. On the other side is the son of the two neighbouring nations (beside liones Britannia) royal family and master of effigies, the third user of sakakinite (the substance grandpa gloxinia and harlequins armaments were made of) himself, Prince Quinten Kyousei.
Inko: let the match....BEGIN!

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