(#004) [New Destiny]

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*In the hospital room Izumi is unconscious and her family surrounds her, toshinori slams the desk with his fist*

Toshi: “Fucking dammit, I should have been there”

Toshi: “Fucking dammit, I should have been there”

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(Artist Credit: Trubwlsum)

Inko: “i-its *sniffle* not your fault *hiccup*”

Izuku: “She is right Dad you were busy at work, besides what could you have done if you were there?”

Toshi: “Something! , Anything!”

*Inko pulls herself together*

Inko: “Now is not the time to regret, luckily the doctor says she controlled it, she is only unconscious as backlash from the mental strain but she should make a full recovery in under a week, but, can you, get the heroes to lay off the scolding?”

Toshi: “She was injured because she disobeyed orders, but I will assure them that someone has it covered anyways, but she won't be doing that Reckless excuse of Heroism again”

Izuku: “But she did what no one else did, she stepped up, she saved him, it was stupid of her but also remarkable of her, that's how she always is, I won't say that whatever pro you bring shouldn't let her hear it, but, I think she should also be acknowledged for her selfless act”

Toshi: “ *sigh* Your right, she is always a jerk to you but I am glad to see you stand up for her“

Izuku: “She is my sister, I should always be on her side”

Inko: “Thank you izuku”

Izuku: “But i think I should get a job to help cover the emergency expenses”

Toshi: “Why? I have my job?”

Izuku: “Your a news writer Dad, you know things the public doesn't about incidents and heroes and you share with me which made me so happy as a fan boy but you don't get payed much more than what we need”

Toshi: (Ah shit, that's right, I mostly work for free and leave quickly before the time limit runs out, but he doesn't know that, should I tell him)

*Inko holds his hand and shakes her head letting him know now is not the time to drop such an emotional bomb on their son*

*Inko holds his hand and shakes her head letting him know now is not the time to drop such an emotional bomb on their son*

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(Artist Credit: Oriiwu)

Inko: “I will start working again, I stayed at home to take care of you guys since you are my life, but If I get my professional job back as a psychic hero I can triple our income

Izuku: “But-”

Inko: “No buts, now both of you leave a parent has to supervise her and you toshi are supposed to be on the clock”

*Reluctantly the men leave the women to the hospital room and walk their seperate ways*

*During this time Izuku could train in peace, and on the day that Izumi was to be discharged from the hospital he wanted to prepare a surprise so he came home early while everyone was supposed to be gone, going up towards Izumis room to prepare he found Izumi was already home and so was his father*

Izuku: (Damn looks like they planned a surprise of their own, got me there dad, I'll wait it out and pretend i got surprised)

Izumi: “Your All Might?!”

Izuku: “!!!”

*Stopped in his tracks Izuku did not want to believe it, but at that moment thoughts of his dad's dissapearences coincided with all might reported appearances, explanations for inside information only all might should know, a level of praise to all might only lower than his fan boys and discrediting of all slander as if he took it personally, his dim blonde hair could resemble all might golden hair if it wasn't drawn back into his other hairs but specifically two parts standing up, his eyes if clenched instead of wide open, if his skin tone was adjusted, and most of all, he was hurt like all the other citizens during all might “accident” a perfect cover, so much information clicked into place like a perfect puzzle piece, but all the more Izuku refused to believe it, but just as much unable to stop himself he peered into the room in those few moments and began eavesdropping on the following conversation *

Toshi: “Shhh, no one else is supposed to know, it takes a lot of cover work for others especially you and your brother not to realise that we are the same, but yes I am All might, as the symbol of peace its my duty to protect everyone, but all the same I have the biggest target on my back in the world, no one can know its me, luckily the injury I got during the incident could be covered up since several citizens became unfortunately scarred as well, but my scar was innately deep, forever limiting my previously passive surges of energy, now I can only maintain my Empowered state for certain amounts of time per day, Izuku almost caught onto that too, anyways enough about me, I brought you here while Izuku and your mother are out to tell you some very important information”

*Izuku was clutching at his chest after seeing and hearing for himself, the man he idolized, the man who didn't believe in him, was his father, whom could not even recognise his son just because his face and body was beat up, charred and slightly bloody and cried out, he did not know what to think anymore and blank eyed waited and listened*

Toshi: “MY powers, aren't my own, I was not just a chosen one in name, but in actuality, since the dark era of quirks a special kind of quirk was born and preserved, the ability to stockpile power and pass it on, the accumulation of power in which before me never truly Awakened, and when compared to my predecessors, the only difference between all 7 of them and me, was that I originally did not have a quirk”

Izuku: (Wait, I knew dad was quirkless but , he is almight so he isn't but he is almight because he was quirkless?! How does that make any sense)

Toshi: “Calm down, calm down, I'm aware that doesn't make sense but give me just a bit, as I said it doesn't just give the quirk to another but stockpiles it, and it seems those with empty slots, and full bodies, without a quirk filling the gaps, only through me have we discovered that the quirkless are the only ones who can maximize the previous users powers all together, and as much as you may want to talk your brother and mother can be home aby second so i need to tell you the main point”

Izuku & Izumi: “???”

Toshi: “I have chosen you as my successor, as the 9th user of ‘One For All’ do you accept your new destiny?”

Toshi: “I have chosen you as my successor, as the 9th user of ‘One For All’ do you accept your new destiny?”

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(Artist Credit: Kanade?)


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