Chapter #042 Quarrels Break Out

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Author: Satou Suprises 1s and the ozone support group with a tag team combo co-ordinated by himself and koji ,satou encourages koji to stay behind and let him handle the situation, Satou eats a sourcrout hotdog and sprinkled donut increasing his speed and strength  and begins blitzing until natsu insta k.os rikido "thanks for the meal shoto I needed the boost" as such koji begins his animalepathic link and takes the mindset and aura of a wolf

Author: everyone was shocked at the most reserved and quiet student they knew was going so ferral only for koji to be stopped by the entirety of the students of class 1b and 1a and convince koji to stay back

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Author: everyone was shocked at the most reserved and quiet student they knew was going so ferral only for koji to be stopped by the entirety of the students of class 1b and 1a and convince koji to stay back

Author: everyone was shocked at the most reserved and quiet student they knew was going so ferral only for koji to be stopped by the entirety of the students of class 1b and 1a and convince koji to stay back

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Author: class 1s believes since they always speak against an evil figment of Izuku they believe they can reason with the two groups and convince them it's just blood relation to a villain nothing more, however fear and hate of such a high ranking villain clouds their judgement  for some reason it seems everyone is saving a few unusual picks as reserves including asui,kyouka,koji.

The disarray of dialogue between the sides is interrupted by Aoyama aiming a concentrated beam at Eren causing Mikasa to deflect, propelling herself towards him while a foreign girl with a horns quirk cover Aoyama blocking mikasa  and she gives Aoyama a death glare thus signaling the battle

The disarray of dialogue between the sides is interrupted by Aoyama aiming a concentrated beam at Eren causing Mikasa to deflect, propelling herself towards him while a foreign girl with a horns quirk cover Aoyama blocking mikasa  and she gives Ao...

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Author: she den slashes away the horns and an absolute war between classes begins

Author: meanwhile with Izuku
Deslin: dude wake up, ik you wanna whoop katsukis ass but you're giving a creepy smile while the girls are here
Izuku: oh uh...
Girls: Time for you to decide who to give your virgini-
Izuku: sorry girls gotta go😅
*smokes dashes HARD*
Zerotwo: he got away
Shoka: since when did you and Mei like him?
Zerotwo: I dont, I'm interested in the playboy on how he got all of you to agree to creating a harem for him since you dont look like sluts
Ochako: It doesnt matter, were here leaving the groups numbers wounded in order to keep Izuku out of the mess, Delsin told me...

Ochako: hey Izuku mind if I talk to delsin in private?
Izuku: sure *makes a clone*
Ochako: ?!!??! You can do dat?!?!?
Delsin: well explain later, however, "ANIKI"
(formal japanese for elder brother)
You have a match
Delsin: now that I have a body just like Izukus but severed link for now I guess I can alter this

Delsin: There, Delsin Rowe Midoriya, Izuku midoriyas personal support system and brother, at your service Ochako: Neat form but how is it so uniq-Delsin: it's the form I've always envisioned myself, and since this is a clone of Izukus I can alter ...

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Delsin: There, Delsin Rowe Midoriya, Izuku midoriyas personal support system and brother, at your service
Ochako: Neat form but how is it so uniq-
Delsin: it's the form I've always envisioned myself, and since this is a clone of Izukus I can alter it more easily than i can alter the original since i dont need to worry about  changing back
Ochako: I have something to ask about that matter
Delsin: ? Why did you not need to involve your Husband?
Ochako: H-HUSBA-
Delsin: Your both dating why the fuck is that embarrassing or hard?
Delsin: dont call me a boy I'm a man.
Ochako: since you know Izukus thoughts better than even himself now how is he handling being One for Alls Son?
Ochako: he was very unstable and paranoid about it, now it's almost as if he forgot about the incident
Delsin: ....I.....
Ochako: You know something dont you? Is he hiding it? Because than hes good~
Delsin: He kind of doesnt care or particularly remember unless you mention it directly
Delsin: I've altered his nerves and have distracted him everytime, he almost broke down when his overthinking mind thought maybe he was being manipulated, he thought what if all of the will and determination all the hard work, EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER DONE HIS WHOLE LIFE, ALL FOR THE SAKE OF SAVINV PEOPLE, HE THOUGHT WHAT IF HE IS A CRIMINALS TOOL OR IF ITS ALL FAKE
Delsin: he doubted his existence for those few minutes
Delsin: I'm sure by now hes Cooling down but just in case I'll hide the thoughts just for a little bit longer....

*flashback end*

Ochako: Delsin has been quiet and hasnt appeared much to help cool Izuku down we need to keep him away from the stress of his lineage but...
Shoka: we need to discuss the hierarchy of this harem
Ochako: I'm going to be his first bride
Elizabeth: I believe they did fairly initiate that but I was wonderin-
Ochako: Delsin loves u more than me and Izuku loves u second most
Akeno: I don't mind being his bodybride
Nemuri: count me second bodybride
Ochako: midnight sensei? When did you?-
Shoka: I'm third Bride
Mei: let's assign better unique titles
Mei: ochako will be his wife
Elizabeth will be his waifu
Shoka will be his lover
Akeno will be his "bodybride" since she wants to fuck and some love as well
Nemuri: give me tittle of slut, please~
Ochako: if you join the harem you cant fuck any other guy
Nemuri: but he can fuck several girls?
*blushing as the most innocent*
He isn't like that, he loves all of us and is staring to like you and zerotwo
Zertwo: if you pursuade me I'll claim tittle of darling.
Shoka: lover,wife,waifu I think that's great
Mei: I'm his partner, but zerotwo your size and powers will work well with eren and they need a powerhouse like you
Zertwo: fine you ladies monitor Izuku and keep him isolated and happy
Ochako: of course.


uthor: Izuku smokes to the field , well since it isn't a even bracket set Todoroki will have to wait his turn for some action but for now it's you and me, Katsuki 😈

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