(#011) [Bonds]

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*Opening his eyes Izuku looks up to see his Inko and Toshinori by his side, he hoists himself up gritting his teeth expecting broken bones or torn muscles but is confused when he does not sense any shocks of pain but instead he presses his body unable to probe for even mild discomfort*

Inko: "No Izuku, your not hurt, your not even in the hospital"

Toshi: "If you were your mother would sue the Academy for hospitalisation before you even got the chance to start"

*Inko slaps Toshi on the back of the head*

Inko: "An injury on Day Zero is obviously a cause for concern Toshi"

Izuku: "Leave him be mom, he may be a bad dad but at least he is here, I appreciate the sentiments at least, but how am I-"

???: "You can thank me for that"

*A rather short old lady makes her presence known*

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*A rather short old lady makes her presence known*

Izuku: "Recovery Girl, Chiyo Shuzenji?!"

*Izuku's Catalog of pro hero fan knowledge comes to play in the recognition of any of Japan's significant figures*

Izuku: "The student's aren't made aware of whom may be instructing at the academy, but if they have you there then that makes sense for the dangerous examinations"

Chiyo: "That is right young lad, and accelerating your recovery was quite strange, your healing was abnormally slow for a person of your stature of even an average body, but when we introduced you to carbon emissions as suggested by your mother you become as fit as a fiddle only tired from stamina overexhaustion, which was quite fascinating, Now I won't take any questions I merely made a home visit one last time to check on my patient"

*Izuku stands to thank recovery girl when he is interrupted*

Chiyo: "Oh that's right i forgot to mention since I was on my way anyways, there is no need to sit in anxious anticipation, I have your results here"

Inko: "Thank you for all your help"

Toshi: "Safe travels"

Inko: "Izumi already read hers and won't leave her room so don't be too surprised by whatever your results are oka-"

Toshi: "He is already holed up in his room"

Inko: " *Sigh* Can you really not tell me? "

Toshi: "I am under contract for student confidentiality the parent may only be entitled to the disclosure of their child's results only after the student has finished the letter and may make a request after then"

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