(#024) [Villain's Crescendo]

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"Shouldn't this place be armed with alarm systems to detect intruders and alert necessary faculty and authorities? Why is there no sign of such activation"

Sijione: "One of them must have a quirk and the capability to disrupt the systems"

Katsuki: "Are the bastards attacking every site & campus or is it just here?"

Rudeus: "There are an abundance of villains present I find it hard to believe that they could gather more than what we are seeing"

Hanta: "Well we also believed it would be impossible for them to attack us on UA owned grounds either but here we are"

Eli: "Th-this is not the time to be b-bickering!"

Shota: "Class princess is right"

Shota Aizawa (Eraser-Head)

Quirk: "Erasure Vision"; Enables the user to negate the abilities of any quirk up to 3 people within direct visual range, the only exception to the negation would be permanent & passive substantial changes such as cellular & gene mutations

Drawback: The visual contact must be maintained, else the negation ceases when broken, often blinking

Shota: "13 lead the evacuation and attempt official communications, Edgelord (Sijione), perception is most important during surprise situations observe and report, Battery blonde (Denki), aid 13 in trying to communicate with the faculty or anyone for that matter"

Shoto: "Sensei even with the goggles anonymous gaze selection capability there are too many to fool with that trick how will you-"

Shota: "One trick ponies never make it to graduation let alone being a Pro-Hero Bipolar"

*Unravelling his bandages he immediately grapples the bull headed villain who was charging during the conversation and propels him back down the steep stairs knocking him unconscious*

Gun-Villain: "The heck was that supposed to be? Does this dude even have a quirk?"

Shotgun-Villain: "Who cares? He is wide open and serving himself on a silver platter, FIRE"

Aizawa: (So they actually know how to coordinate and cooperate rather than just flooding us with mismatched headcount, that is a problem)

Gun-Villain: "The hell is my gun jamm-"

*Shota wrapping his scarf like carbon fibre tool around the shooter types set at the forefront elivates them using leverage after letting his body weight fall and bracing himself with his hands planted firmly against the ground he sweeping kicks the villains legs knocking them off balance and maintaining momentum from the centripetal force of his rotation sending them flying into other villains*

Rock-Villain: "And you idiots called ME,'Rock Head'? He is obviously eraserhead, though lets see what he can do against someone stronger and incapable of being erased "

*The villain formed the mutation of his skin becoming rocks ages ago and could not be reversed, he charges directly at eraser head with the weight & durability of his body exceeding shota's by multiple folds warranting his confidence*

Masked-Muscle-Villain: "I got him"

*The second villain punches at shota but he dodges and shifts him off balance to strike the rock villain before striking and moving to the next*

Shota: (As expected they cannot have the proper training for proper teamwork mid fight, they are clumsy and still get in each other's way, their cooperation is simply allying with similar quirk types but they do not understand each others personalities or fighting styles to pitch in effectively and instead hinder each other)

Portal-Villain: "Hmm, even with the difference in numbers, they are unable to identify who he is erasing and he is holding on with commendable combat skills"

Hand-Villain: "Heroes are soooo annoying"

*Scratching his neck, he ceases suddenly as his gaze shifts from the crowd fight to the students remaining*

Mina: "uh, guys?, pretty sure we need to leave, like, right now"

Mezo: "Agreed, this is not the time to be impressed"

*As they turn and bolt for the massive doors they are cut off by a sudden appearing darkness that expands into the villain that brought the villains here in the first place teleporting and obstructing their exit with his positioning*

Portal-Villain: "I am afraid I cannot allow that"

Shota: (Dammit I focused on the others because he didn't act but now!)

Portal-Villain: "Excuse the interruption of your excursion however we, at the 'League of Villains' desire to engage with Mr All-Might who was scheduled to be on site, in hopes of extinguishing the symbol of peace"

*The portal villain's calm demeanour and polite mannerisms and speech, did not lessen the intensity of his words in their minds as this was a clear and confident declaration for the death of the number 1 hero, something they believed no one but the insane would dare state as it is simply not considered possible, but the most unnerving part is the fact that the students can somewhat sense that they genuinely mean it and seem to possess a method of doing so!?*

Portal-Villain: "Was he not meant to be in attendance today? Perhaps something has, changed? Regardless, I have my role to play..."

*Before the portal villain completed his change of shape the Bakugo twins come flying in propelled by Katsukis mobility and strength armed with debris and trinkets implanted with Kasumi's explosive power in an attempt at a preemptive strike against the villain*

Katsuki: "You think we are just gonna stand around quaking in our boots you flying puddle?"

Katsumi: "You yap too much for a deformed shit stain, hopefully the burns gave you a good deep cleansing"

*The smoke clears and the villain pulls himself together*

Portal-Villain: "...Yes... Even if you lot are students. You remain as the hero world's treasured potential and future, their, golden eggs so to speak"

13: "!!! no, both of you, RUN, NOW!"

Portal-Villain: "Let us see how your so called society and system react when the eggs become scattered and smashed"

*Their attempts were futile, the darkness was just encroaching far too quickly for them to react, some of the students were swallowed up, & unbeknownst to the remaining that were not engulfed initially, the swallowed students were sent hurdling into the different zones with different environmental setups with villains lying in ambush*

Flood-Zone: Izuku, Elizabeth & Shoto

Downpour-Zone: Tokoyami & Rudeus

Mountain-Zone: Kaminari & Yaoyorozu

Ruins-Zone: Katsuki, Katsumi & Kirishima

Landslide-Zone: Izumi

Entrance-Zone: 13, Ochako, Tenya, Mina, Hanta, Sijione & Mezo

Conflagration-Zone: Natsu & Shuko

Central-Plaza: Shota

Wandering/Unidentified: Toru

*Regardless of whether they want to or not, the students will have to have a taste of real combat, however things may turn out differently than they were supposed to...*

TBC...(Chapter 2/10+2 of Catchup Chapters, 10 remain)

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