Chapter #034 Round one complete

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Quinten Versus Mikasa, quinten brings out his column and prepares to fight the ackerman when she appears behind him and striking his nerve, walking away proud she barely dodges quintens attack realising he's still conscious, this is unfortunate for our girl as she's undeniable with obstacles or structures to fly/jump around on, in a clear stage against someone with not only power (columns formations) but also skill (trains under his father and mother and has flight) mikasa realises that his weakness is the column that personifies his quirk, without the special material of the column to act as quintens host for his effigies quirk "Effigy Animation" an effigies is a non living object shaped like a living creature sch as statues and dolls, quinten can animate a specific material into an effigy however as powerful as the columns material is and its limitless effigies under his fathers example, quintens flight also comes with his tether to the column thus those who know the quirk target the column, problem is even with the ackermans legacy avoiding and countering all of his attacks she doesn't have any structures to maneuver or the gear to destroy his column, understanding the situation she doesn't want to waste time against one of the only two people he cant defeat with this tournaments rules and restrictions and surrenders with pride in the thought of a different outcome had she had structures or her gear.
the final fight is an interesting one
Izuku: i remember seeing you on natsus team but you didn't do anything
Miku: natsu let me conceal my abilities
Izuku: names Izuku Midoriya pleasure to meet ya
Miku: pleasures mine, my name is Miku Nakano

Izuku: *takes stance*Miku: *follows suit*Izuku: *smoke bullets*Miku: *summons a sword and deflects*Izuku: *cinder blast*Miku: Tomoe Gozen (巴 御前)!!!Izuku: the famous japanese warrior!??!?Miku: my quirk is "Historias" allows me to reanimate figures ...

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Izuku: *takes stance*
Miku: *follows suit*
Izuku: *smoke bullets*
Miku: *summons a sword and deflects*
Izuku: *cinder blast*
Miku: Tomoe Gozen (巴 御前)!!!
Izuku: the famous japanese warrior!??!?
Miku: my quirk is "Historias" allows me to reanimate figures of the past to my memory down to detail, the more i know about the passed indivudal the more power i can give them
Izuku: so you cant make up facts and you cant make up characters you can only work with real passed figures and your not reviving them your making replicas by facts and memory?
Miku: correct
Izuku: thats incredible
Miku: thanks, my sister thinks im wierd for being interested in old japanese men
Izuku: ur owrding it wrong, ur fascinated by the history of the ancient japanese monarchs,warlords,heroes and figures
Miku: *blushes*
Denki: hey midoriya dont get soft on us
Kiri: whether he stops for his opponent or continues it's so.....MANLY
Katsuki: hurry the fuck up nerd
Katsumi: yeah!!!
Izumi: tch
Shoto: cmon midoriya lets show the crowd what you can do
Izuku: sheesh you guys, sigh* fine
Izuku: sorry to end our conversation short
Miku: its ok bad timing
Izuku: lets pick this up...
Izuku: *swings at the warrior* LATER
Miku: *smiles* sure
Miku: *gains a serious expression and glares at her warrior
Izuku: (she's concentrating) *pars the blades avoiding going into smoke since tomoe has been given a quirk for ice*
Izuku: i don't remember quirks existing before modern times
Miku: according to theory it was an ability not recorded in history books, but i believe all the magic that the world spoke of was early quirks, abilities linking the unknown myths to science yet to be discovered, and since he's a historia, information i take as factual with evidence to back it up as long as its in context with detail to the past existence of the individual are added, including logical conclusions of any gaps in explanations yet recorded outcomes.
Izuku: which means any form of act that is unexplained can be written in your historias code as a quirk in order for the fact requirment to be met
Miku: *smiles* that's right
Izuku: ( that means her historias will have abilities based on extraordinary feats in their history, i don't know much about tomoe gomen or many historical figures, ill have to study, not just feats but techniques since regardless of his ice his swordplay is much more fearsome)
Izuku: Sorry to do this but when it comes to a summoning quirk the summoners are usually weak.
Izuku: *smoke bullet barrage*
Miku: *tomoe deflects bullets* sorry but you underestimate my warriors protection, i have accounted for anyone who figures that out
Izuku: i know i was just testing my theory
Miku: ???
Izuku: he never charged forward which he should be able to beat me with, but he's been close to you, I wonder why that is~
Miku: (but what will he do with that information)
Miku: Kusunoki Masashige (楠木 正成)!!!, play offensive
Izuku: Check *slow giggles of a scheme* *smoke shift*
Miku: (he's splitting trying to beat me in numbers? no too simple , whats his plan)
Izuku: ( I Feel sorry for her, her quirk is formidable, but she's inexperienced and has the worst fighting style to pin against me)
Izuku: *hand forms energy aimed between the historias*
Miku: (its a fake his whole body is forming on the opposite side)
Miku: from behind!!!
Historias: *switch stances*
Izuku: Check  mate~ *single hand launches a rocket (took time to charge as only a hand)
Miku: but your whole body has a better chance even though i figured it ou-
Miku: *gets knocked out of bounds*
Miku: (the charge wasn't just because of it being one limb, he was converting it to a shockwave to repel not destroy)
Miku: but why?
Izuku: because you think too hard
Miku: ?!?!?
Izuku: Information is dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced
Izuku: you knew my greatest power was my schemes and intellect. So you believed since i never did simple tactics but instead manipulated my opponent you second guess yourself, and more over i could tell from your concentration before, your control over the historias depends on your concentration, i knew if i baited you into summoning another it would divide your attention, that and it was a test to see if you were thinking ahead of what's in front of you, as such i called check
Miku: because you were able to manipulate me, but with up front simplistic assaults... so if i was more straight forward..
Izuku: i wouldn't have won the way i did, not to mention you were probably thinking there was a chance i could get through your historias didn't you?
Miku: !!!
Izuku: your historias lessened response time was what i counted on when i attacked with just one limb
Miku: well, I've been completely defeated, great fight
Izuku: agreed, you will be a formidable one, just gain experience, its not your over thinking is completely bad, its just that you cant tell how an enemy will react since sometimes on the field we use instinct not just logic.

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