{Luke Skywalker} Lovers and Nothing Less

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        Wars don't stop for unrequited love. In fact, the galactic war served as the distraction you needed after the heartbreak you endured on Hoth. Since that fateful day, you had completely thrown yourself into service, rising in rank as a respected pilot and leader within the Rebellion.

      Now, as the strike over Endor came to a victorious close, you and Cobalt Squadron landed on the forest moon, eager to reunite with friends, family, and one another. From the edge of the festivities, you smiled, unable to contain your laughter as one of your pilots goofily danced around the fire with an Ewok. You looked up at the scene around you. Scattered around the village, pilots told the tall tales of the battle, soldiers exaggerated the strategic plans of their commanders, and the others listened to each story with awe and admiration.

     Amongst the tall tales, rumors sparked of a Jedi who had defeated the Emperor single-handedly. While these tales of Luke's success hung in the air, you remained on edge. The war was coming to a turning point, yes, but your heart was still at a stalemate with its own feelings. It longed for the friendship between you and Luke, but you had made the choice to sever that tie unless it was strictly professional for your own good. You knew that the chances of running into him were high, which is exactly why you enjoyed the fun at a distance, making sure to remain alert should the Jedi make an appearance.


      Luke noticed your silhouette standing at the edge of the victory celebration. Like you, he had decided to hang back from the festivities, afraid to speak to his old best friend. After what he had said to you on Hoth, he felt as if he didn't deserve a chance to fix what he had broken. Luke didn't want to admit his foolishness, especially since the revelation of his sister Leia. He knew that he had been selfish and blind, but knowing it and confessing it to you were two totally different things.

     Han Solo watched as Luke stared over towards where you were standing. He sighed loud enough for Luke to look back at him. "Kid, are you just going to gawk at her all night or are you gonna go talk to her?" Han crossed his arms as he motioned over to you.

      Luke's cheeks warmed up slightly at the question, "Han, we both know it's not that easy." He paused momentarily, "Not anymore."

      Han rolled his eyes, slapping his hand on the young Jedi's back, "Sure it is. I'm sure you haven't noticed, because you, my friend, are quite oblivious, but ____ hasn't moved from that spot all night. She's been glued there, her eyes constantly scanning the crowd for one individual. My bet is that she's looking for a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jedi to come sweep her off her feet."

      Luke shrugged Han's hand off of his shoulder, "Fine, I'll go." He returns his gaze back to where you stand, but he didn't move an inch. He was petrified of how you'd react to seeing him again. It had been months since he last saw you, leading a squadron of X-Wings into battle overhead to once again save his skin. Even then, you had spoken to him as if he were a stranger. What if you didn't want to speak to him? What if you completely rejected him?

      The smuggler saw the look of fear written on Luke's face and nudged him forward, "Come on, kid. She won't wait forever."

     Finally, Luke took a deep breath and started towards where you stood. This is it.


From where you stood, watching the celebration, you noticed two individuals on the other side of the fire, engaging in what appeared to be a lighthearted argument. The shadows hid their faces from view, but you saw the motioning of a hand towards your direction. You shook it off as you finally gave in, going to enjoy the victory celebration by the fire.

All around you, rebels danced the night away. The music seemed to drown out every worry in your mind until a hand rested gently on your arm. Without a second thought, you lashed out, twirling around swiftly to throw a punch, but the individual caught your fist before it connected to his face. Almost immediately, you jerked your hand away to cover your mouth. In your mind, you could only register one thought. He's here. He's here.


He nodded, sheepishly looking down at the ground before meeting your gaze. "Hi, ____."

"Hi." You started to ask him about how he's been, what he's been up to, but you stopped, remembering that you had walls guarding your heart for a reason. "Do you need something, Commander?"

Like that, Luke's confidence dropped to rock bottom. He had so hoped that he would be able to break the false formality that the both of you used to avoid any real conversation. His shoulders sank and his lips started to form into a frown. Han was wrong, you didn't want to see him. He shook his head, "No, sorry for bothering you, General." The Jedi began to walk away, shuffling his feet as he walked.

"Wait," you called out. You were shocked at yourself momentarily, but as he turned around, your gaze met his. In that moment, you realized that you were hindering your relationship with Luke. Sure, he had turned you down and broke your heart, but had you ever let yourself try to let it go? Here stood the only man you've ever loved, and you had sent him away, all because you were afraid to admit how you felt, even after years apart.

     You walked over to him, "Luke, I—" the words failed you in the moment, but Luke smiled.

     "____, I know I don't deserve a chance to fix our friendship, but I know now that I was wrong to turn you away back on Hoth. With everything that has happened, I came to realize that all along it was you. You were by my side all that time, supporting me, despite how many times I pushed you aside for another. I'm so sorry for what happened that day, and I just—I just needed to let you know."

      You smiled, wrapping your arms around him, "I don't blame you for that, Luke. Not anymore. Besides, we were younger then." You chuckled, "It's my fault for shutting you out for this long—"

      The Jedi cuts you off as he holds you tightly in his arms, "There's enough blame to go around. I'm just glad right now that I have you back. You mean so much to me, ____."

      "As do you, Skywalker. You have no idea how much I've missed this."

      At this, Luke smirked, pulling back momentarily, "Then let's stay this way." You shot him a look of confusion before he continued, "Just you and me against the galaxy."

      You giggled, "Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

      He raised an eyebrow, "That depends. What do you think I'm suggesting?"

      You reply in the form of a quick kiss to his cheek. Luke turned four shades of pink before nodding, "Precisely." Together, the two of you rejoin the celebration, hand in hand.

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