{Poe Dameron} Hopelessly Devoted to You

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     There he goes again. Poe Dameron. The Resistance's poster boy. You couldn't help but watch as he briskly walked by your station, on his way to the hangar.

Just two weeks ago, you would have smiled as he winked at you, but now, you softly hummed to yourself, determinedly trying not to look up at the pilot. You had been his girl. He had been your whole world, your solid rock, until that night.

Guess mine's not the first heart broken. My eyes are not the first to cry.

     It had been a long day. You had picked up Connix's shift on top of your own, which meant at least 8 hours of sifting through incoming transmissions and sorting them based on importance. Your head was pounding, but you only had one thing on your mind, a certain pilot that you wanted nothing more than to be held by as you both recounted your long days.
     You had noticed the door was ajar to your shared room. That'should've been the first red flag, but you had thought nothing of it. Little did you know that by opening that door, your whole life would be turned upside down. There was your boyfriend pressed up against the newest recruit to Black Squadron. "She's only a student." You recalled his words to mind.

     Just thinking about the incident made your eyes water. He made his choice. I was just another one of his flings, left behind at the first chance of something new. Wiping away the single tear that streamed down your face, you sighed and softly sang to no one in particular.

Can't you see? There's nothing left for me to do.

     At the sound of a clearing throat, you glanced up to see Poe standing there, mouth open to speak, but instead of letting the words out, he shook his head and walked away.

     Your heart ached for you to break the week-long silence between the two of you, but somehow you knew deep down where it would lead. You knew you weren't over him. That alone made you vulnerable to his charms. It would start as an apology that would turn into a makeup, but how can you trust someone who betrayed you without a reason? You couldn't.

But now, there's nowhere to hide since you pushed my love aside. I'm out of my head, hopelessly devoted to you. Hopelessly devoted to you.

     There she goes again. ____ ____. The Resistance's finest communications specialist.  He couldn't help but pause to listen as you hum to yourself in the sweetest voice he's ever heard.

He started to say something to you, but he covered it up by clearing his throat. She's not mine anymore. I've got to let her go. I can't hope to hold onto what we used to have.

My mind is saying, "Fool, forget her." My heart is saying, "Don't let go.

Still, as Poe paused to hear you sing softly, he noticed you had turned to look at him. The words he wanted to say were just on the tip of his tongue, but when he saw the tear stain on your cheek, he knew he couldn't go through with it, so he did what anyone else would do. He walked away.

But now, there's nowhere to hide since you pushed my love aside. I'm out of my head, hopelessly devoted to you.

     Poe made it all the way to the hangar before his heart really began to ache. He knew what he needed to do, even if it wouldn't fix all heartbreak and guilt. He knew it wouldn't guarantee that you'd have him back, or that you'd even forgive him, but as rushed back to your station he knew that he was Hopelessly devoted to you.

     Poe Dameron came back to your station just a couple minutes later, not once taking his eyes off of you. "____?"

     It was the first word he had said to you since you broke things off. Your heart threatened to leap out of your chest at his voice, but you fought to remain calm and collected, "Poe?"

     Silently, the room cleared out, clearly thinking that a fight was about to break out. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Finn give him a small smile and a quick nod before leaving the room vacant except for the two of you. "___, I really messed up."

     "You sure did, Dameron." You tried not to crack under the pressure, using his last name to try and detach yourself from the situation a little.

     Poe's dark brown eyes searched yours as he took a breath, "I know what I did was wrong, stupid, and selfish. I know I don't deserve another chance, or even your forgiveness, but that's all I'm asking for, forgiveness. You have every right to be angry with me, but I just can't seem to move on. I'm indescribably, hopelessly devoted to you."

     Your mouth dropped open. It took you a moment to process his words, but then you nodded and replied gently, "Poe, I have forgiven you. I cannot condone what you've done, but I am willing to look beyond it for the good of our friendship. Right now, I am angry, but I hope that time will help erase that anger for both of our sakes." You chuckle slightly, "But if I'm honest with myself, I'm not over you either. I'm still hopelessly devoted to you."

     The pilot's eyes watered as you stood to your feet and embraced him in a hug, "Thank you, ____."

     You shook your head, "Maybe someday we can try again."

     He held you tighter, "And I'll wait until someday comes. Because I'm.."

     You both said in unison, "Hopelessly devoted to you."

author's note:
     I heard this song for the first time in YEARS on TikTok, but realized that the trend going around has it all wrong. This song is a break-up song. It's a song about how he pushed her aside and left her behind. I immediately thought of Mr. Ladies' Man Poe Dameron and it fits so well. Anyway, I decided to go for the happier ending, because I think you all have expressed that you like happier endings better, lol.
     I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. I'm currently on Fall Break, so I'll try to update a bunch this week. It all depends on how much I can get done. Until then...
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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