{Kanan Jarrus} Jedi Night

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The flames over the TIE Defender factory shine over the whole valley, visible by both Zeb and you as the both of you patiently await the return of the Ghost crew from the capital city.


As a last minute decision, Kanan had decided it was best for you to remain behind with Zeb, saying, "I know how personal this mission is to you as Hera's sister, but I need you here. We need someone to monitor the comms while we are out there, and we both know how Zeb seems to have issues with technology."

"I heard that, Kanan." Zeb growled from where he stood a couple feet away.

"So you believe I'm not capable of this mission, right?"

"____, I-I," he tries to explain himself, but he is interrupted by you.

"No, I get it. I'm just deadweight to the team, nothing more than a mechanic."

His eyebrows furrowed as he gripped your hand and pulled you closer to his frame, "You mean everything to me. You know how much I care for you. I-I..." he struggles to find the words, "____ Syndulla, I love you."

His words came as a shock to you. He loves me? Your heart raced at lightspeed as you pulled him in for a kiss, one that he gladly leaned into. Ezra and Sabine shouted cheers as the two of you embraced. When he finally pulled away, you gently cupped his face, letting your long lekku twist around themselves as a sign of adoration, "I love you too, Kanan Jarrus. I'll always love you. Now, go. Bring my sister home."

He didn't need to be told twice before hopping on the glider laid out before him. He looked back at you one last time before calling out, "May the Force be with you, my love."


Now, as the fuel depot explodes in the distance, you suck in a sharp breath. Zeb looks over at you, not showing any real signs s of worry, "____, they are fine. You know how Sabine just loves her explosions. That's all."

His comment is supposed to lighten your spirits, but you can't deny the wrench in your gut as you watch the flames reach for the sky above. Come back to me Kanan. I need you.


     When a small, Imperial shuttle returns to the makeshift camp, your heart flutters with excitement to see Kanan and Hera once again after the siege. However, a TIE pilot helmet came flying out of the cockpit, rolling to you and Zeb's feet. Immediately, the two of you made eye contact. Something went terribly wrong.

      Sabine comes out of the shuttle, crying and wiping away the tears in her eyes as Zeb tries to console her and ask what happened. Ezra and Hera exit the ship with Chopper uncharacteristically silent following your sister's distraught figure. Your eyes scanned for your lover, but he was nowhere in sight. Ezra yells at Zeb, "He's gone!"

     The realization hits you as you crumple to your knees, letting the grief wash over you in waves, like a tsunami. Kanan... he, he's dead.

     Your older sister engulfs you in her arms as she reaches you. She weeps with you as she holds you close. "____, I-I'm so sorry. I-I lost him. He...He tried," she sobbed into your shoulder, "He tried to come back to you. But he g-gave his life, for us. I'm so sorry, sister."

     Together, the crew comes to hold you and your sister, consoling you both as they all grieve the loss of Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus. At one point, your eyes lift to see the figure of a lone Loth wolf, howling in the distance. It offers you a nod of condolence before disappearing into the tall grass, the sound of the word Dume echoing in the wind.

     Goodbye, my love. Goodbye.

author's note:
      I'm actually sobbing while writing this. I shouldn't be allowed to write when I'm this sad. Sorry if I put y'all in the feels today, but an episode that amazing deserves to be recognized, even if it is by terribly written fanfic. Thank the Force for Dave Filoni.
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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