{Poe Dameron} Last Mission [Request]

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(for maximum sadness, play https://youtu.be/UrTbSCfKjNg along with it)

As far as missions went, this hadn't been the worst. "It's just a scratch," you mumbled to yourself as your ship began to overheat after taking a direct hit from an advanced TIE Silencer.

The ship had come out of nowhere, firing a proton torpedo squarely to the rear of your X-Wing starfighter, causing both slight damage and panic, but these situations were your specialty. As a special forces unit, you knew better than anyone that in situations like these it was of utmost importance to keep a level head and a clear mind. However, when your starboard engine sputtered and the other ignited into flames, while soaring above the lush planet of Takodana, you came to the realization that not even the Force itself could help you now.

With no engines to keep the fighter in the air, your X-Wing began to nose dive towards the green terrain below. Your systems went dead, and for the first time in all your years with the Resistance, you came to terms with the fact that there would be no making it back to base. This was the end of the line.

You frantically tried everything to bring the engines online and power the systems up once more, but your efforts were useless. Even your friendly astromech was fried. When you had exhausted all other options, you looked up at the battle overhead, taking in the sight of retreating First Order TIEs one last time. The sight made you smile despite your hopeless situation. The spark still lives. Hope still prevails.

Just as you were about to close your eyes and drown in the sound of the hull of the beaten ship rattling for just a few moments more, a voice rattled through your helmet, taking you by surprise, "____?! Can you hear me? ____!!"

Poe Dameron. His voice brought tears to your eyes. "Poe?", your voice cracked.

"____, what's going on?! You're headed straight for a ravine. Pull up!!" He almost screamed.

Your tears made it hard to speak normally, "I'm fine. I'll regroup with you later, just focus on the objective, hotshot." You knew that it would break him to lose you, but he could take it. He'll recover. He has to.

"Fine? The hell you are! Pull up ____, that's an order from your commander."

     Your voice was failing as you said between ragged breaths, "I—Poe I—I can't."

     The grassy ravine the pilot had mentioned came into view, giving you only seconds until impact. You swallowed hard and spoke once more into the comm, "Poe, remember that I—"

The sound of the crash echoed through the speaker of Poe Dameron's helmet. It felt as if time had almost stopped. He watched in slow motion as your ship made contact with the grassy ravine below him, bursting into flames, and tried not to imagine you inside. He tried not to think about what you were going to tell him, about how just last night you had comforted him through his nightmares, or about how this morning you had so innocently kissed his cheek for luck. It was as if he couldn't believe what he just saw.

     Voices spoke to him through his helmet, but he tuned them out. He had to know. He had to see it for himself. Tears streamed down his face as he speed down to Takodana's surface. Not even a second after landing, he jumped out of Black One and sprinted over to your ship. He desperately scanned the wreckage for you, and found you locked inside the cockpit. Poe pulled at the hatch, unable to open it on his own. He yelled and pulled harder but to no avail.

     Suddenly, a pair of hands rested on his shoulders. Poe looked up through his tears to see his squadmates Snap Wexley and Jesika Pava next to him. They nodded before walking over to the cockpit hatch that was almost engulfed in flames. Together, the three of them lifted the hatch as he dragged your limp body out of the cockpit and away from the crash site.

     He frantically searched for a pulse, a heartbeat, or a sign that you were still alive. He held you in his lap as tears fell from his chin onto your flight suit. It was clear to the others that you had died on impact, making it a swift death, but there had been hope in the Resistance pilot's heart that maybe you had survived. This was proof that you were truly gone.


     "____ ____ was my most trusted pilot and friend. She was fearless, daring, and brave. However, we each know from moments we shared with her that besides the intimidating presence she held, she had a heart as big as the Resistance itself." Poe spoke from the depths of his heart, "We've all lost people in this war. Friends. Family. Loved ones. During these times, it's easy to be discouraged. I know. But now is our time. Now is the time for action, for justice. ____ used to say, 'As long as the Resistance lives, hope lives.' That's why we fight. Why we sacrifice our lives each and everyday. Hope. Hope that things will get better, and they will. I miss ____ more than I can convey through emotions, words, or actions, but we can't let her death and the sacrifices of so many of us go to waste. May the Force be with us." He tried to smile as big as he could, "For the Resistance!"

     Instantly, his smiled faded as he looked to the grassy hills of D'Qar and whispered softly to himself, "For ____."

author's note:
I don't write stuff that makes me cry, but this made me bawl like a baby. I'm sorry, but this just hit so hard and so close to home for me that I had to put a warning on it. 😭😭😭
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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