{Obi-Wan Kenobi} Order 66

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Another day, another mission. As a Jedi Knight, you were constantly begin sent to foreign planets and fighting more of the Grand Republic's battles. Today was just like any day, until it all went wrong.
You were currently tying up a mission on Utapau with Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. You are waiting by a troop transport when you see him closing in on a Boga He smiles and gives you a nod, signaling for you to climb on as well before he gives the clone trooper to your right an order, "Commander Cody, contact your troops and tell them to move to the higher levels."
     You mount the vibrantly colored Boga and Commander Cody hands Obi-Wan his lightsaber, "Oh by the way, so think you'll be needing this." He thanks the trooper and the two of you take off.
     "I've heard you tell Anakin many times that his lightsaber is his life. Maybe you should take some of your own advice," you tease.
     "Right, I'm becoming more like him, Force help me," he exaggerates.
Suddenly, a blast jolts the two of you and the Boga off the ravine you had been climbing. As the ground crumbles beneath you, you cry out, "Obi-Wan!"
He places a hand around your waist to secure you as he grips the reins tightly with the other. He realizes that there's a pool of water at the bottom of the pit. He grabs onto you and pulls you close, "Hold onto me and get your breather, we're going for a swim." You do as he says just in time to hit the water.
The frigid water throws you into a paralyzing shock. For a moment, you just sink, no longer holding onto Obi-Wan. You are able to look around and notice Obi-Wan frantically swimming towards you. He grabs your hand and tells you through the Force, "It's alright. We'll make it out if this, but we need to keep moving." You nod, finally coming back to your senses, and begin swimming beneath the surface to the other side of the pond. As you swim, your thoughts begin to collect, We were shot down by one of our own tanks. Could it have been a misfire? I look over to Obi-Wan, who also looks deep in thought.
Once we reach the other side of the pond, we climb out and find somewhere to hide for a moment. "Is it possible that they just misfired?" I try to stay positive.
He shakes his head, "I've known Cody for this entire war. He has never once misfired on one of his own. I think we need to see this for what it is. The clones have turned on us."
"That can't be. Cody gave you your lightsaber before we took off, surely he wouldn't have done that if it was planned. This has to be a mistake. I'm going to show you." You stand up to leave, but Obi-Wan grabs your hand.
"____, look at me." You sigh and turn to face him. "I'm serious. If you go back, they will kill you. I don't know why this is happening, but something in the Force is screaming at me not to go back. Let's try and contact Master Yoda. He'll know what to do."
You nod in defeat, "Okay."
Together, the two of you walk the tunnels of the pit, looking for the nearest hangar. After a few minutes, you notice a patrol of clones. You give Obi-Wan a look. He gives you a nod and waits for them to pass.
     Something Obi-Wan has learned about you is that you are very compassionate. Unlike some Jedi, you care for each of your clones and treat them as if they were your brothers. You hold the utmost respect for them and even go as far as to give them names, rather than call them by their numbers. Although it is seen as unorthodox and unnecessary, you claim to see something within every trooper, often saying, "They're not numbers to me, they're men, and should be treated like the respected soldiers they are." The thought of you naming every trooper to pass by you almost makes him snicker, but the reality of those same clones turning on the both of you sobers him up instantly.
     Soon enough, he signals you to follow him as you sneak on board a nearby ship. He sits in the co-pilot seat, knowing you are the definitely better pilot. Within seconds, you take off and race full throttle to the edge of the atmosphere. You are able to steer clear of the most damaging blasts, but the ship takes a hefty amount of damage as you leave the planet of Utapau behind.
     "Where to?" You ask. Obi-Wan strokes his beard as he thinks. He presses a button on the console, opening an emergency channel used by Jedi, "Emergency code 913. I have no contact on any frequency."
     Immediately, a hologram of Bail Organa appears. "Master Kenobi and General ____."
     Kenobi replies while you pilot, "Senator Organa, our clone troops turned on us. We need help."
     "We have just rescued Master Yoda," Bail says, "It appears this ambush has happened everywhere. We're sending you our coordinates."
     You receive the coordinates and immediately plug them into the navicomputer and make the jump to light speed. Once you are safely in light speed you finally speak, "Obi-Wan, how is this possible? We've fought this war by their side for years. How can they just turn like that?"
     He sighs, "____, you've always been so compassionate when it comes to these troopers that you might be missing how it's quite possible that this was a staged attack by these clones."
     "No, it wasn't, I was standing alone with Commander Cody before you arrived. He could have killed me right then, but he didn't, something's not right here and you know it," you argue.
     "____—" He starts.
     "Don't ____  me. Maybe I am too compassionate when it comes to these clones, but I think that you aren't compassionate enough." I snap, not wanting admit that there's a chance he's right.
     "Not compassionate enough?" He chuckles, "You really are something else. No one except Anakin has ever pulled that on me. Care to know why?" I just look over at him, unamused. "I used to be full of compassion, until I lost Qui-Gon. For a little bit, I lost that part of myself. I was bitter, angry, and afraid, everything I was taught not to be. However, when I met you, that all changed. You showed me how to move past my grief and focus on my young Padawan at the time, Anakin. By sticking around, by talking with me, and by just being yourself, you helped me open up again and show that compassion I thought I had lost to others, especially Anakin."
     "Really?" You ask in unbelief. He nods in reply. With a smile you say, "I take it back then. You are compassionate." You lower your gaze and look over at him, "I'm sorry, I just don't want to believe that this is real. It would seem like we should be blaming the troopers, but deep down, I still can't shake the feeling that something else is in control of all of this. It was planned, but not by the troopers." Obi-Wan gives you a puzzled look, "Never mind."
     "Hey, don't apologize. We'll figure this out, one step at a time." He places one of his hands on yours, "Together."

A/N Sorry about the slow updates, I'm currently going through all the Star Wars movies and the Clone Wars. I will say something about the Clone Wars, Ahsoka truly has a great character arc, and I hope we get to see more of that in season seven.
May the Force be with you!

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