{Ezra Bridger} Lothal Scum [Request]

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     Spectre 6 wasn't like the rest of the Ghost crew. You could sense it instantly after stepping on board. Although you tried not to look over at him, you couldn't help but glance over at the Force-sensitive boy to the left of the pilot. "Captain Syndulla, my name is ____ ____. Fulcrum reassigned me from Bail Organa's Alderaan cell to your command just before leaving for Malchalor." Out of the corner of your eye you notice the boy shift uncomfortably.

     The Twil'ek's face falls momentarily, but she smiles and places a hand on your shoulder, "Welcome aboard, ____. Ahsoka was a good friend of ours."

     You brighten up at the mention of your former master's name, "Master Tano always spoke highly of Phoenix Squadron."

     The blind man to Hera's right folds his arms, "Ahsoka had a padawan?"

     You chuckle, "That would be me. Ahsoka found me a couple years ago after leaving Raada and joining the Rebellion. I was an orphan with nowhere to go and the curse of being Force-sensitive, so she took me under her wing."

     "She always had her secrets." Hera says somewhat cryptically, but she then snaps back to her usual cheerful self, "First things first, let's introduce you to your new crew. Spectre 1 to my right is Kanan."

He nods and sticks out his hand for you to shake.

Captain Syndulla continues, "I'm Spectre 2, but you can call me Hera." She smiles briefly before turning to the boy around your own age, "This is Spectre 6, better known as..."

"Ezra Bridger," he confidently says, but when he holds out his hand, the mechanical arm of an orange-painted astromech pushes it down and calls him Lothal scum. The droid makes you laugh while the boy becomes a blushing mess.

"Lothal scum, huh?" you lightly tease. When Ezra doesn't respond, you say, "You know, I was once Lothal scum too."

Spectre 6's eyes glance up from the floor in front of him, "Really?"

You nod, "Real as the legend of the mighty Lothal Wolf."

Hera elbows Kanan while the two of you begin to chat. "I think she's going to be good for him."

Kanan groans, "Maybe as a friend, but at this rate, she's going to be bad for his training."

Hera rolls her eyes, "Right, because I'm so bad for yours." With that, she takes you to meet the rest of the Ghost crew, leaving Kanan to listen as his padawan began to merciless flirt with you. If only Maul had slashed both of my ears too.

author's note:
I don't know why exactly, but writing for Ezra was so difficult. I've finally reached season three, so I'm still trying to figure him out, but I can't say he's a personal favorite of mine. I can't remember who requested this, my list is ever-growing.
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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