{Poe Dameron} Fly Love

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(yes, it's the song from Rio)

      This was it for Poe Dameron. The war, the long fights, and the sleepless nights were finally over. Now, he only had one thing left to do on his list, and he was going to make it perfect for you if it was the last thing he would ever do.

     Ever since he joined the Resistance, you had caught his eye, but he knew a war was no place for romance, so he tried to keep his distance until that fateful day when you had approached him, striking up a conversation he'd remember until his dying day. Fast forward two years, and the two of you were madly in love, but the constant uncertainty of what each day would bring for the two of you kept you both from going any farther than the occasional night together when you both were home and off-duty. Now, he wanted to make things more permanent. No more worrying about where the other was during the sleepless nights, no more pleading to the Force to spare each other's life during each mission, and no more wishing for just one more night together.

     Underneath the setting sun of Yavin IV , Poe tried to keep his cool. It wasn't as if he were asking you to make the biggest decision of your life or anything, right? Finn had told him that you'd happily agree, but he couldn't help but doubt as he waited for you to meet him in front of the Force-Sensitive tree that he swore as a young man he'd propose to the love of his life under. Lights had been strung up for the occasion with the help of Rey and Rose. Now all that he needed was you.


      You walked down a windy trail as your best friend, Rose, led the way. "How did you find this trail Rose? I thought you were from--"

      Rose cut you off, "Oh, I just stumbled upon it while out on a walk with Finn this morning."

      To say the least, something was up. For one, you hadn't seen Poe all day after he promised to make today super special last night. Also, Rose had been overly giddy, even more so than after a date with Finn. To her credit, she was doing a good job hiding whatever this secret was.

      Rose led her into a dark clearing, smiling wider than you thought possible. Just as you noticed a figure whistling softly across the clearing, the lights came on to reveal your Poe holding a guitar and singing sweetly to you.

      "Wasn't really thinking, wasn't looking, wasn't searching for an answer, in the moonlight, when I saw your face," his velvety voice rang out as pure as a melody as you started walking over to him. "Saw you lookin at me, saw you peeking out from under starships through the half-light shining through the bay."

      You chuckled as he described the night you had gotten the courage to finally talk to him. You remember sneaking peeks at him as you worked on his one-of-a-kind X-Wing after he nearly destroyed the starboard engine in battle.

     "I know I'm feeling so much more than ever before, and so I'm giving more to you than i thought I could do. Don't know how it happened, don't know why, but you don't really need a reason when the starshine just to fall in love."

     As you finally reached him, he grinned from cheek to cheek, knowing that he was the luckiest man alive just to have you standing here looking at him with nothing but love in your eyes.

     "Made to love each other, made to be together for a lifetime, in the starshine flying through the stars."

      In one slow motion, he set down his guitar and kneeled, pulling his mother's ring off of the necklace he always wore around his neck and held it out to you, "____ ____, you have already made me the happiest man alive by loving me so tenderly for the past two years, but I only have one question left to ask of you. ____, will you marry me?"

     Your hands lifted from where they covered your mouth to wipe away the tears of complete joy came streaming down your cheeks, "Yes, Poe! A thousand times yes!" He rose to his feet, pulling you into a passionate, loving kiss that neither of you ever wanted to end. However, Finn and Rey came out from where they had been hiding and cheered the two of you on. Slightly embarrassed, you pulled back, placing one last kiss on his cheek. "I love you, Poe Dameron."

       He chuckled, "And I love you ____ Dameron."

author's note
       if i'm completely honest, i don't really know how i even came across the Rio soundtrack at 12 am last night, but i'm glad i did lmao
May the Force be with you!
- Sarahh

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