{Kylo Ren} The Allure of a Superior

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     You hated to admit it, but when butterflies began to swirl around in your stomach whenever you saw him pass you by, you just knew that you couldn't deny it any longer. You were in love with your commander, a man whose face you'd never seen and was feared by all. All except you.

Truth be told, you couldn't really explain why you loved him to anyone else. You loved the way he demanded respect without saying a word, how he chose to fight battles with common stormtroopers, and especially how you had caught his lingering gaze on you during briefings.

As a Captain, you are responsible for the training of upcoming stormtroopers, which meant you attended meetings in order to report to General Hux, the head of the Stormtrooper program. One meeting in particular threw your heart for a loop as Commander Ren took Hux's normal spot, rather than a chair closer to middle. You tried not to stare, but his presence was so tempting. You wanted nothing more than to gain the courage to talk to the Knight of Ren, but you weren't sure how, or if he'd even listen.

The meeting proceeded as normal. Although you had tried to avoid it, you couldn't help but feel him staring at you then entire time. So rather than taking the opportunity to directly speak to him after your short report of the cadets under your care, you scurried off, trying to get away from the Commander's gaze. Only when you had made it back to your quarters did you curse yourself for not being bold enough to talk to him.

     You sighed, picking up your data pad off of the desk in your captain's quarters and looking through today's agenda. It was the same as always, meeting at 700 hours, breakfast as 800 hours, training the cadets of FN-5403 through FN-6720...

     A brief knock on your door alerted you that something urgent had happened. No one knocked on your door unless chaos had begun to take over, like Starkiller Base. Even cadets freely opened the door themselves when they needed someone to talk to or they had a nightmare that they couldn't seem to shake. So who blew up the reactor this time?

Carefully, you walked over to the door and let it slide open. Instantly, you fall into a stiff stance. What is he doing here?

     The masked figure chuckled, "You called me here, Captain. Do you not remember?"

     You racked your brain for any memory of you asking the Supreme Leader to visit you. Little did you know how much he was enjoying torturing you like this.

      He tilted his head, "Did you not want to speak with me about something back at the meeting?"

      In that moment, it clicked. Stupid mindreading piece of sh—. You stopped yourself before you finish your sentence. He had to hold in an amused laugh, "So, are you going to invite me in, Captain?"

     You fumbled over your words as you stepped to the side and let him into your quarters. "So, Supreme Leader, I um...I wanted to know if you wa—I mean. Kriff, I probably sound like I can't speak Basic."

     He shrugged, "It's adorable, but continue."

     Your face heated up as you continue, "Supreme Leader Ren, would you care to, I mean if you want to because I know you're busy and all, like to um...accompany me to dinner in the mess sometime? I-I know it's kind of informal, but as a Captain, I can't leave the cadets for too long on their own."

     The Supreme Leader began to laugh, making you feel inferior and utterly embarrassed for even thinking he'd want to spend time with anyone like yourself. As he laughed, you cursed yourself once again. You fool. Did you really think he'd say yes? Your no better than the bantha back on Tatooine in comparison to him. He's gonna send you off the a backwater planet for this for sure.

     Once he stopped laughing, he placed his hands to his helmet and ever so carefully pulled it off. It took all of your resolve not to gawk at his absolutely gorgeous face. "Captain, I appreciate the gesture, but perhaps it would be better if you joined me in my quarters for dinner instead. I ensure you that the cadets will be fine."

Pure shock flashed across your face as he replies. "So-so you didn't think I was too forward?"

He shook his head and chuckled again, this time his now unmodulated voice rings out, pure and true, "Absolutely not. I've had my eye on you for a while now. Surely you've noticed. In fact, I know you have. I find it so intriguing that your don't seem to fear the image I've spent years perfecting. Also, you've managed to make me laugh, something I assure you I don't do often." He stood up to his feet, taking your hand in his still gloved ones, "I'll send a trooper to fetch you around 1700 hours. See you then, my dear Captain."

He left the room, and you fell back on your bed, floating on cloud nine as the encounter replayed in your mind. Force, that was amazing. Now, all I have to do is make it to tonight.

author's note:
     I will be updating regularly now that I'm on Christmas Break, so be prepared lol 😂.
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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