{The Mandalorian/Din Djarin} The Child

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     Life as an ex-Imperial assassin prepared you for seemingly everything, except for caring for a child. After the final shootout on Concordia, you and Din had taken off with the child to a new planet where they could raise him for at least a little while before the Empire would come after him, but there was still the factor that you never have cared for a child, in fact, you don't even know where to begin.
     The Empire took kids from the planets the controlled and trained them to be the best soldiers they could be. You were raised to be an assassin, to end life without remorse or emotion. Now, the tables have turned. Your whole life now is dedicated to caring for and loving this small child. Problem is, you don't know anything about his species or biological heritage. All you know is what you and Din have been able to discover while flying around the galaxy with him.
     Now, the child sits in the cockpit with Din while you try to research any information about this child. However, nothing seems to match. When he comes across a picture of his species, it is all the same, Unknown. Frustrated, you lay your head down on the small, fold out desk. You don't even notice when Din lands the ship and climbs down to the main hold. He notices the data pad laying next to you and your head on the desk and pieces it together. "____?"
You look up, the lines under your eyes are more evident than ever, "I can't help him." You point to the child, who is walking out to the ramp. "I can't find any information about his species. I don't know what he can or can eat, how long it will take for him to reach adulthood. All I can find out is that one of his species was known to be a Grand Master Jedi. That's it!"
     He puts a hand on my shoulder, "We will figure this out, together. I promise. Think about how far we've come. He's going to be just fine. Besides, I think he likes you."
     You give him a look, then you feel a small tug on you pant leg. You glance down and see the child hugging your leg. Your heart melts at the sight and you look back up at Din. Even with his Mandalorian helmet on you swear you can tell he's grinning. "Get that grin off your face, Din."
     "You don't know if I'm grinning or not. Maybe I'm pouting because he likes you better. You'd never know." He jokes.
     "Right. Maybe if you would take the helmet off I'd know." You suggest.
     He just looks at you, "Not yet. Maybe someday. Besides, you don't want to ruin the surprise, do you?" He then laughs at his own joke. You roll your eyes playfully and scoop up the child up into your arms.
     "Please tell me you won't end up like him." The child just giggles. Din shrugs and grabs a bag from the false panel he installed.
     "Come on you two." He says.
     "I think he's jealous of us. What do you think?" You ask the child. The child just grins from ear to ear. You set him down, grab your own bag, and head after the child and Din. He's right. He's going to be just fine with us.

A/N Okay, but can we agree that the Mandalorian is the kind of person who would laugh at his own jokes. Maybe it's just me. Hope you enjoy this cute imagine. Request by @AmberLee453
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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