{Ben Solo} Premonitions

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The Jedi Temple was a place you came every morning before training to meditate. It wasn't mandatory, but for you it was necessary. You enjoyed having time to be alone with just you and the Force.
One morning as you went into the Temple you encountered Master Luke Skywalker. You bowed in respect and greeted him, "Good morning Master Luke."
He smiled and returned the greeting, "Good morning Padawan ____ ____. What brings you to the Temple so early?"
"I come here every morning before training to clear my mind." You reply.
"Ah, I see. Just don't be late. I'll see you later." Master Luke says.
At the age of 10, you were found by Master Luke on the planet of Yavin 4. He brought you back here with the other padawans and began to train you. Now, you are 17 and have grown much stronger in the Force. You are the top of your class, tied with Ben Solo, Master Luke's nephew and your best friend.
When you first arrived, you wouldn't talk to any of the others. You spent your free time alone, pouring over the sacred Jedi texts. Two weeks after your arrival, you sat in the library, alone. However, young Ben Solo walked in one afternoon looking for a specific book. It turned out that you were reading it at the moment. As he searched the library high and low, he came across you. "Hi." Ben said as he approached you. You looked up at him and backed yourself into the corner you had found. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm looking for a book." He glanced at the book in your hand. "But I see you're reading it, so I'll just come back later."
Ben went to leave but a small voice called out, "Wait." He turned around to see you holding the book out to him. "You can use it. I can just read another."
Ben smiled at you, "Actually, I have a better idea." You look at him with confusion. "Do you want to go meditate outside by the garden with me?" Not wanting to be left all alone again, you nodded your head as he took your hand and ran to the garden out behind the temple.
From that day on, you two were inseparable. Wherever one of you were, the other was sure to be close by. You became best friends and had remained close throughout training.
However, he had recently become more distant. He would leave training early, meditate longer, and spend less time with you. You didn't think much of it until this morning as you were walking past the library to the meditation room. You heard the sound of books hitting the floor, so you went to investigate. Ben was searching through books, picking them up, flipping through the pages, and throwing them beside him when he didn't find what he was looking for. Curious, you stand behind a corner and watch. "Lightsabers, techniques, the code, meditation. Why can't I find anything on premonitions?" Premonitions? That's not something a Jedi normally has, right? You continue to watch until he finds what he's looking for. He scans the page but still doesn't find what he needs. You can sense frustration rising from him so you decide to step in.
"Looking for something?" You ask him. He looks up and gives you a weak smile, "Yeah, but I'll find it. Shouldn't you be meditating?"
"Yeah, but I can't with all the commotion going on in here. I overheard you say premonitions. Are you having visions?" You ask innocently.
He looks at you and contemplates whether to share them with you or not. He sighs and signals for you to take a seat so he can explain. "I don't know why this suddenly started happening, but I see things when I go to sleep. I know it sounds crazy, but it's so real. Sometimes, I'll have a vision and then the next day, it happens, exactly like the dream. They don't come every night but they come every now and then. Last night's was an extreme one-" He trails off as he looks at you. "It's probably nothing. I'll go talk to Master Luke later. I don't want to make you late." He gets up as if he's going to leave.
You pull his sleeve and force him to sit back down. "I've been here seven years and never been late. I think Master Luke will be fine if I miss one day. Besides, this stuff is more important than swinging a blade. This may have something to do with your extra strong bond with the Force. Now, I'm not going to miss training for nothing, so spit it out. Whatever it is you refuse to tell me."
"Remind me why we're friends again?" Ben jokes.
"Because I keep you in check." You chuckle. "Alright, spit it out Solo."
He shakes his head and begins, "It starts in my hut with Master Luke. He stands above me with his lightsaber ignited. He swings and then the vision changes to the landscape, our huts, the garden, and the Temple burning to ashes. The Temple is crumbled to nothing but ruins and screams echo around the valley. Then-"He swallows hard as he continues, "you lay on the ground with your lightsaber in your hand and your body damaged like you'd been struck by a lightsaber. Above all the chaos, a voice rings out. It says 'You can not deny the truth that is your family.' Then I wake up."
You simply look at him for a moment as you take it all in. Then you speak, "Are you saying that someone is coming to destroy the Temple?" Ben thinks it over.
"I don't know what it means, all I know is it scares me. I don't know what I do if I lost yo-I mean this place. It's all I've ever known." Ben attempts to cover up his mistake. He knows it's forbidden to have attachments, but ever since he was 15, he knew you were more than a friend to him, but he would never tell anyone else that, especially you. You don't catch Ben's stutter and continue to consider the vision.
"I think we should meditate on it." You conclude.
"____, that's your answer to everything." He complains.
However, his protests go unheard as you pull him out to the garden where it all began. Together, you levitate as you clear your mind of questions and dive deep into the Force. You see glimpses of the vision, but it is obvious it is not yours to see.
Ben, however, relives the whole vision. This time he makes sure to check your pulse when you appear. You're ice cold. This means that you are— He can't bring himself to even think about it. The premonition changes this time though. Instead of ending with your death. It ends with a dark, hooded figure leading others onto a ship he had never seen before. The dark, hooded figure seems to be carrying someone. As it comes closer, he sees your body in the unidentifiable figures arms. A new voice speak this time. "Only by fulfilling your destiny can you save the ones you love." He comes out of his meditative state and collapses.
"Ben," you shout, "are you okay? You started saying something in a language I couldn't understand." He stares at you. He can't lose you. He just can't. You mean more to him than you'll ever know. That's why when he crashes his lips to yours it tastes so bittersweet.
You stand in shock as he pulls back. Ben Solo just kissed me. Ben Solo just kissed me. Your mind and heart start racing. It felt so right, but so wrong at the same time. Ben stands up quickly, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that I just had to-" You cut him off by gently pressing your lips to his. This time when you pull back, you give him a small smile and walk to training. Ben watches you leave. At that moment, he vows that he won't let any harm come to you, no matter what he has to do.

A/N I thought it would be cute to do a Ben one-shot before he turned to the darkside. After watching Rise of Skywalker today, I came home and decided that Wattpad needed a little more Ben Solo and a little less Kylo Ren. Anyway, I hope you are enjoying the book. Reminder to feel free to comment and leave feedback!
May the Force be with you!

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