{Luke Skywalker} Darkside Pt. 1

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     The attack on the second Death Star failed. All along, it was a trap, and the Rebellion took the bait. As a result, the rebels are scattered over the forest moon of Endor. You were fortunate to escape the crossfires with your life but you were injured by a stray blast to your left arm(right if you are left handed). Unfortunately, you were spotted by a squad of stormtroopers.
     Now, you run for your life as you are chased by three stormtroopers on bikes. You know that you can't simply outrun them so you'll have to evade them somehow. You spot a small cliff, too small to seriously injure yourself, so you literally take a leap of faith and land in some underbrush. The stormtroopers are dumbfounded after you manage to disappear from their sight. One speaks into a commlink, "Sir, we've lost eyes on the girl. She's injured and weak so she can't have gotten far. We will continue the search but will have to call it off at sundown." If they get a response, you don't hear it. You just hear the sound of the speeder bikes as they take off.
     You release the breath you didn't realize you were holding. Now,you have to decide whether or not to relocate your hiding spot. You're arm is starting to get infected and you don't have any medical supplies, just a cloth that you wrap around to wound. You decide to move right after sunset. You know that's when the troopers will have to retreat for the night. Until then, you simply have to wait. While waiting, you take out your blaster and clean it as best you can, it's not much but it'll do until you can meet up with any other rebels. The thought of the others makes you have to think back on the battle.
Han and Leia were right behind you when you were shot. However, when you woke, everyone was gone. You were hidden under a large trunk. It was the sound of boots marching and a menacing voice that caused you to awaken. "We cannot leave this moon until she is found, understood?" You had waited for the sounds to silence before you had made the decision to bolt. However, you had been spotted by the small patrol causing the situation you are in.
     You look at the sky and see the sun beginning to set. It immediately reminds you of the sunsets you would watch back on base with Luke Skywalker. He had been your closest friend, other than Leia. You begin to worry as you realize he had sacrificed himself and had been taken to the Death Star, still looming over the planet. You had never gotten to tell him how you truly felt about him. Sure he was a Jedi and would be too busy, but you at least wanted to be honest with him and come clean while you had the chance. However, a tear rolls down as you come to the conclusion that he's probably dead or worse, captured. You don't get to think about it too much because the sun disappears, marking your time to move on.
As you silently move through the forest floor, you hear a scream not too far away. The sound sends a chill down your back as you come to the conclusion that it's possible that not every trooper went in for the night. You continue stealthily walking in the undergrowth, making sure not to find yourself out in the open. Suddenly, you hear a twig snap about 20 feet away from your position. You quickly scramble up the nearest tree, thankful for your upbringing on the planet of Yavin 4 where you learned to climb the jungle trees. As you listen to the stranger getting closer, you stay in the tree and watch to see who it may be. You hope for it to be a fellow rebel, but you know hope only goes so far.
     You decide that you are gonna get the drop on whoever it is when you hear them call out. "____, are you out here?" You have one thing on your mind when you hear that familiar voice, Luke. He's alive. You are about to drop out of the tree when you remember the scream you heard not too long ago. Did he kill that person? It definitely wasn't a stormtrooper, I wouldn't have been able to hear it due to the mask muffling the sound. That means...
     Just then Luke calls out once more, "____, I know you're out here. Just come to me. We can figure this out together." It's that moment you realize something's wrong. You scan the forest as you come to the realization that you can use the big branches to walk like you had on the forest floor. You quickly make your way to the next tree as you see Luke look up into the tree where you once were. "____, I can sense your fear. I promise everything will be okay, just come to me. Join me, ____."
     You can't run from him. If he truly can sense you, you'll never be able to outrun him. "That's true," Luke says agreeing with your reasoning in your mind.
     The voices in your head become too much. You cry out in pain, "SHUT UP!" At once, the voices are replaced by just one.
     "____, please." Luke. He walks over to the tree you are currently in. Without thinking, you drop out of the tree and fire a blast at him. You aren't sure if you squared a hit, but you run nevertheless in the opposite direction.        
     Somehow, you made it to one of the Empire's hangars. The only problem, how do you get past these troopers to a TIE fighter. Just then you remember a technique Luke showed you by knocking out a stormtrooper and taking its armor. You walk to the hangar bay and wait your moment to escape. Just as you plan to make your getaway, you see two troopers carrying Luke, or well the man who used to be your beloved Luke, to the medical bay. Against your better judgment, you follow as the troopers escort him. When the troopers leave, you walk in the room, making sure that no one sees you. You stand before his cot. "Oh Luke, how could this happen to us. I can't comprehend it all. First, we spring the Emperor's trap. Then, you betray the Rebellion and join the Empire. But despite it all, I can't help but want to stay here with you and tell you all the things I never could. I would tell them to you now, but you are not the man I fell for. You've become the very thing we both swore to destroy. I hope you enjoy what you've done." You tear up as you take off your helmet and give him a kiss on the forehead. "Goodbye Blondie." You use his nickname one last time as you head to the hangar. You successfully steal a TIE fighter and jump to light speed to meet up with any rebels that might be left.

A/N Wow, that was a longer one. I am going to do a part two. Feel free to send comments and feedback.
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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