{Poe Dameron} Take My Jacket

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Reconnaissance missions were your favorite, as long as they weren't on cold, miserable planets with no real purpose like Hoth. With your luck, that's exactly where youfound yourself, scouting for the rumored First Order stronghold stationed here shortly after Starkiller base was destroyed. As horrible as the mission sounded, you were fortunate to at least have your boyfriend, Poe Dameron, with you.

To your dismay, the heaters in both starfighters had kicked the bucket, leaving you and Poe to use the shelter of a nearby cave to make a fire that was just big enough to put off enough heat to cozy up to.

      You had just come back from scoping out the fortress located nearby when you noticed Poe huddled close to the fire, trying not to show just how harshly this climate was affecting him. You paused before entering the cave, noticing how he shivered and held his hands out to the flame. Once he noticed you, he shot you a look, "How long have you been standing there?"

You shrugged, unsuccessfully trying to contain a chuckle, "Not long, sweetheart. I just thought it was adorable how you were huddled like a child around the fire." You walked over to him, cuddling up into his warm embrace.

As he held you, he shook, "Brr, ____, you're freezing." He started to take off his fur parka, "Here, take my jacket."

You stopped him before he pulled it off completely, "Absolutely not. You need it too."

He started to argue, but he had a better idea. The pilot pulled the parka tighter around his frame and smirked, "Alright, suit yourself."

You were immediately taken aback. Poe never gave in. What was he up to?

"I'll just sit here nice and cozy with my big parka all alone and so warm." He was teasing you, drawing out his words to make you jealous of his coat. You started to feel the numbing of your hands as he continued to go on about how he was so warm.

Finally, you relented, "Fine, I give in. Can we share it?"

Poe smirked even bigger, "I like the way you think." He wrapped one side around your shoulders and the other around his own. He pulled you closer to his side as you leaned your head on his shoulder.

You glanced from the fire to Poe, "I love you, Poe."

He kissed the top of your head sweetly, "I love you too, ____."

author's note
     quick little fluff for you all to kinda recover from last two parts. thank you for all of the support! it meant a lot to me. anyway i have BIG news!!

     i will be starting a Luke Skywalker Imagines/One-shot book exclusively for him since i feel like this book is a little unbalanced with some of the characters. anyone who has requested or does request a luke skywalker imagine/one-shot from here on out will see their request posted in the new luke book. thanks for understanding! 💙
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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