Valentine's Day Special {Preference}

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"____. ____. Wake up. ____." You roll over in Luke and your shared bed.
"Five more minutes." You mumble pulling the comforter over your face.
He gently pulls it back, "You said that fifteen minutes ago. Besides, I made breakfast." He tempts you with the promise of food. Groaning, you slip out of bed in your pajamas and walk to the small kitchen to see Luke making heart-shaped, pink pancakes. It's enough to make you giggle.
He chuckles and asks knowingly, "Is something funny?"
You shake your head and smile, "Nope. I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to wake up to the legendary Luke Skywalker's specialty pancakes, dyed hot pink and shaped into hearts just for a certain holiday." He rolls his eyes playfully.
"And you know it. No one else is getting anywhere near these cakes. They're all for my girl." He says. You blush when he calls you his girl.
Suddenly, Han Solo walks around the corner with a pink pancake in his hand. "So, I'm guessing that giving a few of these to Leia is out of the question, right." He says with a smirk.
Leia walks in a moment later and pulls him away from the kitchen. "I'm sorry about him. Enjoy your morning." Together, you and Luke laugh as she drags him by his arm back to their room.
Luke then turns his attention to you. "Where were we?"
"Well, you were telling me all about how I'm your girl." You reply innocently. He chuckles and plants a kiss on your forehead.
"Happy Valentine's Day, my girl."

     Valentine's Day isn't your favorite holiday. In fact, before Poe, you would often complain about how unnecessary it is. However, this Valentine's Day was different. For the first time, you have a Valentine to share it with, if only he was here to celebrate with you.
     Poe accepted a mission about three days ago and was due to return yesterday, just in time for Valentine's Day, but he still hasn't returned. You aren't too worried because General Organa made sure to let you know that he keeps checking in with her  and that the mission took a slight bit longer than expected, but you still miss him dearly. It's especially hard to go about your day as an officer, watching the many couples around the base spend time together and small things for their significant other, all while knowing that yours is systems away.
     At the end of the day, you climb up to the hangar roof, Poe and your meeting place. Part of you wishes that he's up there waiting on you. The thought makes you climb faster, but once you reach the top, you realize the your curly-haired pilot is still off in another system, far far away. A few tears roll down your cheek as you finally allow yourself to give up hope of him coming back to base until at least tomorrow.
     You decide to wait on the roof for half an hour before starting to head down the ladder. Suddenly, you hear the unmistakable sound of a starfighter coming in to land. You whip your head up to see none other than Black One coming in to land on the tarmac. You quickly climb down the ladder and run over to the painted X-Wing. The cockpit window pops up, and the messy pilot hops out of the ship, searching the tarmac for any sign of you. The moment he sees you, he breaks into a run to meet you, he lifts you up and spins you around before placing a kiss on your lips. He notices the tear rolling down your face, "Don't cry, love. I'm here. I promised you that I would be here for you."
     You hug him tighter, "I love you, Poe."
     He smiles and says softly into your ear, "I love you too, ____. Happy Valentine's Day."

Kylo Ren:
Today was shaping up to be a rough day. Troopers were all out of line due to the foolish holiday, Valentine's Day. As Captain, it was your job to keep them in line, but how can you keep a bunch of lovesick troopers from sneaking off, skipping training, and removing their helmets when specifically told not to. Captain Phasma was in the same boat. At lunch, you two sat together and discussed the unruly behavior.
"These lovesick troopers are working my last nerve. What makes them think that it's suddenly okay to behave like this?" Phasma fumes.
You nod your head and reply, "I don't know, but I personally despise the holiday. It's foolish to celebrate a holiday of based on a single emotion."
Immediately, a hooded figure walks into the room where you and Phasma sit with your helmets off. You quickly pull them on and stand at attention. "At ease." The figure says with a wave of his hand. Phasma and you look at one another, unsure whether to go back to eating or waiting until the Commander is gone. He notices this and takes off his own mask, signaling that it is alright for you to as well. Phasma pulls hers off, but you are still uneasy about it.
Commander Ren tilts his head at you. "You can take off your helmet Captain ..." He realizes that he doesn't know your number.
You remove your helmet and say, "(Your Intitials) 2103"
Captain Phasma looks down at her holopad, "I have to meet General Hux." She briskly marches out.
Now it's just you and the commander. You start to sit back down where you had been sitting with Phasma when Commander Ren signals you to sit in front of him. You follow his instructions and sit down with your tray in front of the intimidating man. You've never seen him without a mask, and you are subtly trying to look at his features with alerting him. He chuckles softly, "You're not doing a good job. I've noticed." You turn bright red and stare at your tray in embarrassment. Of course, he can read my thoughts. "Don't worry about it. S0," he starts to make conversation, "(Your Initials) 2103?" You simply nod. He hums, "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Phasma that you believe Valentine's Day is foolish. Why do you believe this?"
You look up from your tray, "It causes the troopers to—"
"No." He says sternly. "Why do you believe it's foolish?"
     You stutter for a moment, "I-I um, well." You take a deep breath and answer honestly, "I don't see the point in celebrating a single emotion of life."
      "So, have you ever experienced this said emotion?" He asks innocently.
      "Well, no, but I'm sure I'm not missing out." You say more to yourself than to him.
     He chuckles, "I think you don't actually hate the holiday, dear. I think you hate the way the holiday makes you feel. The way you feel lonely while others don't. I understand."
      You are shocked at all the information he knows about you all from a few words but are also appalled that he could feel the same way. "So you get lonely sometimes too?" You ask sincerely.
      He nods, "Although I never admit it to anyone else." He stands up to leave, but turns around. "What if we help each other with that?"
     You smile. "Let's do it then." He sticks his arm out for you to take it, and together, you two walk out of the small lunch room, arms linked.

A/N Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️ Here are three short imagines of my favorite three characters to write for. I hope you all enjoy them!
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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