{Luke Skywalker} Sing Me To Sleep

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     Luke Skywalker has been gone on a solo mission for the past month. Due to the risk of the mission, you and him have not had any communication whatsoever. Each day, you become more worried. I just need to hear his voice to know he's okay. Just once.
     Without thinking, you pick up the commlink he gave you a while ago, a direct line to only himself, and speak into it. "Luke. Luke, do you copy?" You only hear static at first, but eventually you hear his voice for the first time in a month.
     "____? What are you doing awake at this hour?" He says, sounding like he just woke up.
     You look over at your clock. It reads 11:00 pm. "I'm sorry if I woke you, I just needed to know that you were safe."
     You hear a small chuckle come from the commlink, "____, you didn't wake me. In actuality, I haven't been able to sleep very well. The mission, the risk, and the knowing your not here with me, it's been keeping me up. I'm glad you called. It's a relief knowing that you miss me half as much as I do." He lightly jokes.
     "Half, huh?" You say sarcastically.
     "Maybe a little bit more than half, but there's no way you miss me as much as I miss you and your sweet voice." He says truthfully.
     It's no secret that he loves your voice. When working, you are always singing, humming, or whistling a tune. As the two of you started working together as pilots in Red Squadron, he became accustomed to hearing your clear voice ring out above the sounds of droids, landing and taking off ships, and mechanics working on starfighters. Because of this, he's given you the nickname, Songbird. He likes to say you are the Songbird of the Rebellion.
     "I have an idea," Luke starts, "How about you sing me to sleep?"
     "Sing you to sleep? Alright, any requests?" You ask with a smile beginning to appear on your face.
     You can almost see him laying in his bed thinking about it carefully. "How about the one that you sing when you miss me."
     You chuckle and begin to sing softly into the small hand-held commlink,
"If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you.
I think I might give up everything, just ask me to.
Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down.
Right now I'm completely defenseless.
For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart,
For when you're lonely and forget who you are.
I'm missing half of me when we're apart.
Now you know me, for your eyes only,
For your eyes only."
You finish the song and hear light breathing coming from the commlink. It must have worked. You switch off the hand-held device and slip into bed. Goodnight Luke.

A/N I love writing songfics. They are nice and simple to write. Also, depending on the song, they can be really deep or full of fluff. Anyway, I have a big announcement for the New Year. I'll let you know on New Year's Day, so stay posted!
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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