{Kylo Ren} Anniversary

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You've loved Supreme Leader Ren for two sweet years now. On this very day two years ago, he walked into your life like no other guy ever had. He supported you, encouraged you, and made you feel like you were special. So to celebrate your two year anniversary, you have special plans to take Kylo Ren away from the base and back to your homeplanet of Endor. However, you have one thing you needed him to promise you first.
"For one day. Twenty-four hours. We are not going to kill a soul. Understood?"
He's slightly surprised by your request, "Not even one?"
"Not one."
You can see the wheels starting to turn in his mind, "But what if—"
"No. No ifs or buts about it. We are going to get away from here for today and just act as if there isn't a galactic war, okay? Just you and me." You press your lips to his cheek. "Is that okay?"
After a moment in thought, he nods, "Alright. When do we leave?"
Bubbling with excitement, you can't help but bounce on your toes, "Whenever you want."
Your enthusiasm makes him grin as he holds his arm out for you. You take it as you walk to the hangar, so focused on what you have planned that you miss Kylo tuck an extra blaster under his shirt. Just in case

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