{Poe Dameron} Soulmate AU

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As a child, you loved listening to tales of the Force. You enjoyed all kinds of tales from the Jedi to the Sith. However, your favorite stories to listen to were the stories about the Force's special connection to everyday people through soulmates. According to legend, the Force connects two beings and gives them a "sign" to let each other know how their soulmate is. The "sign" is different for each couple. Your favorite "sign" that you've seen is the small outline of a blaster on your mother and father's collarbones, symbolizing how they would meet during the Galactic War against the Empire and the Rebellion. After hearing a story of two soulmates, you'd go home and wait, not so patiently, for your sign. Little did you know that you wouldn't have a "sign" for years to come.
At the age of 18, you left your home planet of ____ to join the Republic fleet. It's was your dream to become a pilot, just like your father, who flew with the Rebellion years ago. However, throughout your training, you realized that you wouldn't be more than a glorified escort to Senators flying into Coruscant or a stunt pilot for air shows. You became discouraged and left the Republic fleet. However, instead of turning to smuggling or racing, you were contacted by a faction known as the First Order. You were wary at first, but they seemed to understand the corruption of the Republic and offered you the chance to fly for them. You took the offer and started to rise through the ranks. By the age of 26, you were the commander of your own squadron. You were proud of how far you had come and looked forward to your new position.
However, there was one thing that humbled you quicker than ever. Your soulmate. At 28 years old, you still hadn't found your soulmate. At this point, you were starting to give up on the stories and legends of the Force entirely. You spent restless nights, wondering if you were just meant to be alone, or if those stories were just made up to spark hope of eventually finding true love. Tonight is no different. You always get restless the night before a raid, and your mind refuses to rest. While you lay in your bed, unable to sleep, you plan out possible formations, ponder all possible outcomes, and eventually wander to the possibility you might meet your soulmate. You shake off the idea. Wouldn't that be ironic, meeting your soulmate moments before killing them.
What feels like moments later, you and your squadron are racing towards the small Resistance outpost on ____. It should be an easy victory. The outpost is small, not large enough to harbor more than a squadron or so of starfighters and you have the advantage with the element of surprise. You lead the charge in your modified jet-black TIE Interceptor with red wings to identify you from the rest.
     As you enter the atmosphere, you notice a lake surrounding the outpost, making it harder for a ground assault team to attack the base but  leaving it vulnerable to air strikes like this. Your bombers are approaching the out post when three of them are shot down. You look around to find out who could have shot all three bombers down in that small span of time and see a black painted X-Wing with a orange stripe paired down the side. In frustration, you target the pilot and make attempt after attempt to shoot it down with your blasters, but you can't seem to be able to fire a single shot on him. You break off and begin picking off of the other fighters when that same X-Wing flies into your blindspot to take the shot, you spin to miss the shots and evade him without any damage. You are utterly confused. This pilot has skills that rival my own, but neither of us can get a shot off.
     You come up with a plan to take them down. If I can get a lock-on, I'll open fire with my dual proton missiles. Quickly, you speed behind the black X-Wing long enough to get a lock-on, but before you can fire, a searing pain flares up on your temple. Your hands fly up to your forehead and lose grip on the steering controls. You lose all vision and sound as your ship crashes into the lake below. All you can do is think to yourself, This is the end of the line. With that, you blackout.
When you wake up. You breathe frantically. You begin to hyperventilate as you claw at your oxygen mask. Once you rip it off, you begin to relax a little bit. You delicately pull the IV out of your arm and sit up. It only takes one glance around the room to realize that you're not in a First Order facility. You know that the First Order doesn't exactly have intensive care facilities. Procedure is to leave the severely injured for dead. It's not common for a starfighter to survive a crash, so a pilot being facilitated is unheard of. This level of care is only for higher ranking officials such as admirals and generals, not lowly commanders such as yourself.
Suddenly, the searing pain flares up in your mind again. You scream in pain, and a nurse runs into the room. "She's awake, someone get the General." Your vision goes dark, but you fight to stay conscious. That's when you hear another voice, a man's cry out. When your vision returns, the man's cry is silenced and is replaced by your own. You close your eyes and the cries stop. You see the man who was screaming earlier. Somehow, he sees you. He's dressed in a Resistance pilot's uniform. While you are dressed in your First Order pilot's uniform. He calls out, "How can I see you? My eyes are closed."
You tilt your head, "Same here." You walk closer to the pilot and he does the same. He has black, curly hair and deep brown eyes. "Who are you?"
"I could ask you the same question." He replies.
Suddenly, he pulls a blaster, and the pain comes back. You both fall to the floor in agony. "Room 201" You manage to choke out as you crumple to the floor. Your eyes fly open and the man is gone.
I'm front of you stands the legendary Leia Organa. "Commander ____ ____." You nod at the mention of your name. "We found you in the lake outside an outpost. You and one of our own Commanders were both trapped inside your cockpits for at least an hour. To be frank, you should have died. However, here you are—" She's cut off by the man from your dream rushing through your door.
     Your eyes widen at the sight of him. Wait. I know him, well sort of.
     "How do you know him?" the General asks. You realize you said that out loud. You open your mouth to answer her, but nothing comes out.
He answers for you, "I think we're soulmates." Leia looks between the two of you skeptically. He pulls up his sleeve and shows you a symbol of the First Order on his wrist. You pull your sleeve up to find the Resistance Starbird on your wrist.
You shake your head. "They don't match. We aren't soulmates. It was just a freak accident," you try to reason.
"Flip your arm over and look again," he says.
You follow his instructions, but this time there's the First Order symbol on your wrist and the Resistance Starbird on his. You look up in shock, "This can't be true. I don't have a soulmate. I'm a First Order pilot. You can't be with me. I'm not who you think I am."
Leia recognizes what's happening and leaves the room, "I'll give you some time."
Once she leaves, the curly hair pilot sits on the edge of your medical bed. "What do you mean you aren't who I think you are? You're my soulmate." He looks hurt.
You sigh, "Why can't you see that I'm the bad guy. I'm the one who shot down many of your friends. How can I be your soulmate if I'm always killing everyone you love?"
He looks down at the ground, "I see."
"Besides, I don't know the first thing about you. I don't even know your name." You try to persuade him that you aren't right for him.
"Poe." He says softly, "My name is Poe Dameron. If you really think this was all a mistake, I'll let you go. There's no need to keep you here if your going to be miserable. It was nice to know that I had a soulmate for a moment." He stands to leave, clearly heartbroken.
"Poe," you call out his name, "My name is ____ ____."
He turns on his heel and tries to smile, "See you around, ____." He leaves the room, but leaves the door cracked so you can leave. You jump up and run to the door, ready to leave, but as you see Poe walk around the corner, your heart sinks. If you turn to your left, there's a door that leads outside where you can disappear. If you turn right, you can chase after, you take a gulp, your soulmate. You wrestle with the decision for a moment before running down the corridor.
Poe walks back to the hangar bay, trying not to cry. My soulmate rejected me. She is perfect, but can't see past all the things she's done. If I could have made her see that the Resistance would be kind to her, maybe she would have stayed. No, but I let her go. He hangs his head in defeat. "Poe? Poe, wait!" He hears your voice and turns around. You stand at the hangar bay door, tears running down your face.
"____?" He sprints over to you and wraps you in an embrace. "I though you left. I thought you rejected me. What changed?" A tear of joy streams down his face.
"I realized that I couldn't leave the only man who could ever see past the things I've done and be at peace. I had given up on soulmates, but I understand now that there's a reason the Force waited so long. It waited for a curly haired pilot by the name of Poe Dameron." You smile and press your lips to his cheek. "I want to stay. I know that I may never be fully accepted here, but I want to rewrite my story into something new, starting with you."
He picks you up and spins you around, "Let's do it."

A/N Here's an older draft I never published. It's not my best work. (Which is why I haven't published it until now) I'm working on the requests you all have sent, but I might not get to finish any of them today. Coronavirus is officially in my county, which is a scary thought. Stay safe, wash your hand, and please stay at home if you can.
May the Force be with you!!
- Sarah

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