{Anakin Skywalker} Moral of the Story [Request]

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Some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes.

You've loved Anakin Skywalker as long as you can remember. It's always been you and him against the world, but he hasn't been himself lately. He's been spending his time around Chancellor Palpatine, a man you don't fully trust due to an encounter you had with him while protecting him on a diplomatic mission to his homeworld of Naboo. However, you didn't mention it to Anakin because you knew how much the Chancellor had helped him through the tragic death of his mother and loss of his padawn learner, Ahsoka Tano.

Today, Anakin visits your quarters inside the Jedi Temple with a solemn expression rather than the goofy grin or sly smile that was normally on his face. He doesn't speak at first, he just wrings his hands as if he has something to say, but is afraid to let it out. You knowingly walk over to him and take his hands in yours. At the contact, he flinches and finally glances at you.

"____, I know you won't agree with this at first, but please, hear me out," he softly pleads.

Cautiously you nod, "Alright."

With a deep breath, he begins, "The Jedi have been keeping secrets from us." You resist the urge to stop him right then and there. That's preposterous. What would the Order possibly hide from its members? You let him continue, "Things aren't lining up. First, they hide their true intentions when assigning missions. Then, they frame Ahsoka even though they admit the evidence wasn't enough to prove it was her. Now, they have crossed the line."

"What do you mean they crossed the line? What have they done?" As Anakin speaks, you start to worry slightly.

"They've decided to hide the identity of the Sith Lord," Anakin finishes.

You tilt your head to the side, "The Sith Lord? Anakin, there is not one. These "Sith" have all been rogues, except for maybe the two Nightbrothers, Savage and Maul. There are no "Sith", we both know they were wiped out."

     Anakin sighs, "You don't believe me?"

Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay...

     You close the distance and press a kiss to his cheek, "I believe you are upset about how they wronged Ahsoka and are looking for a reason to not trust the Council." I look down, unable to look him in the eye, "If the Council has said the Sith are gone, then they are gone and you need to accept that."

     He can't believe what you've just said. His heart almost breaks as he sees you side against him after years of always sticking together through fights and problems that have arisen. Now, you've chosen to believe a manipulative council of Jedi Masters over him. He can't bear it. A single tear rolls down his face as you finally return your gaze to meet his. Without thinking, he pulls you into him as he presses his lips to yours.

You can think that you're in love, but you're really just in pain.

You hesitate before pulling yourself away. This is all wrong. I want nothing more than to believe this is actually happening because he feels the same way I feel about him, but...

"Anakin, what—why?" You stutter, still in complete shock.

"I love you, ____. Even if the Council forbids it." He attempts to justify himself.

Your heart pounds with excitement, until his second statement. He's going to use this to prove that the Council is wrong, isn't he?

It takes all the strength you have to speak, but when you do, you know that it's too late to turn back, "You don't love me, Anakin."

This time, he is taken aback, "What do you mean? Of course I love you." The pain in his eyes only deepens as you explain yourself.

"You're in pain. You want someone to share it with. This isn't love. This is guilt. You are guilting both yourself and I into loving one another. It isn't true." I begin to wring my hands together, the subject making me nervous.

"So you don't feel the same way?" He asks.

For the first time, you decide to break the oath you made as children. You lie. "No, I don't." You don't say more, scared that you will end up telling the truth and give into him.

Anakin doesn't yell, doesn't cry, in fact, he doesn't even speak at first. He just stands there, heartbroken, as you step back from him. With a deep breath, he nods and says softly, "Goodbye, ____."

That's the moral of the story.

Just hours later, Darth Vader would destroy the Jedi Order; kill hundreds of Jedi, padawans, and younglings; and would storm the Jedi Temple. He would be the last face you would see, before you were killed protecting a room full of hiding younglings.

author's note:
     I'm back at it! 😁 I know it's been too long since I've written, but I'm back and ready to write! For the rest of this month, I am going to focus on the requests that I've allowed to pile up. Love you all ❤️
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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