{Luke Skywalker} Just Don't Mess Up My Hair [Request]

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     The ceremony in in a just a few hours. Just close enough for Luke Skywalker to be pacing the width of your commander's quarters. You notice the look of worry flash in his eyes as he stops in his place, "What if they want me to say something? I didn't know all of their names. How could I possibly honor all of those men and women who died to save the Rebellion? What if—?"

"Luke," you call softly from where you lay on your bed, looking up from data pad full of messages and new assignments from General Draven and a handful of other personnel, "you're going to be just fine. This entire event is to honor these men. You won't mess it up, I promise." He picks his pacing back up. You roll your eyes and pat the extra room on the bed, "Come and sit down before your legs fall off, blondie."

At first, he rejects the offer, "I'm good, thank you."

After a minute or so, you look back up at him in annoyance, "Luke, sit down. That's an order."

He chuckles to himself, "And to think that just a few hours ago I thought you were just a simple girl from Tatooine." You raise a single eyebrow as if to tell him, Quit stalling. He mock-salutes before plopping on the edge of the bed, "Yes, Commander ____."

Realizing you're not going to get any work done, you put the data pad down on your lap. "Well, I guess that's proof that my cover was well established. Then again, I saw you as just another whiny farm boy, so it looks like we were both wrong," you wink at him making him blush profusely. Once more, you pick up the data pad. I have to get through all these messages. Maybe now I'll have a few moments where Luke isnt—

He uncomfortably shifts on the bed as he begins tapping the floor with his foot. You give him a curious look. Immediately, he stops himself, "Sorry, I'm just nervous."

You laugh softly, "There's nothing to be nervous about. Just be yourself. Also, come up here, you look uncomfortable. Just relax for a little bit, it'll help." You scoot over as far as you can without falling off as he lays beside you.

Finally, you get a few minutes of work in replying to messages and looking over maps of trade routes leading to systems that are pleading for relief supplies. You manage to connect a few trade routes to some of the outposts before you feel something pulling your hair. "I thought you were asleep," you say not even looking up.

"Yeah, but I can't sleep, so I started playing with your hair. It's so long, I just couldn't—"

"Go ahead. It actually feels soothing." You don't even have to see him to know he was smiling. It'll keep him busy enough for me to finish this, without annoying me. "Just promise not to mess it up, okay?"


1 hour later

     You set the data pad down on the nightstand next to your bed and sigh in relief, "Finally."

     You start to turn to face Luke, but he almost squeals, "Wait! I'm almost done with your hair!"

     It takes all of your self-control not to laugh, "Luke, what hairstyle could possibly take a whole hour to do?"

     He just grins as he finishes pinning a braid back, "You'll see."

     For the next minute or so, you stay completely still, careful not to mess up anything Luke has already done. For real, Princess Leia would have had her extravagant hair done by now and we have to leave for that medal ceremony soon... Just as you are about to make a sarcastic comment about being late, Luke finally says, "Done!"

     Although you'll never admit it, you are both excited and terrified of what you'll see when he hands you a mirror. When you hold it up, you are shocked, "It's-Luke, it's gorgeous!"* You wrap him in a big hug and chuckle, "Where did you learn to braid like that? Surely Ben never taught you that." *(picture in author's note)

     He laughs, "No, silly. Believe it or not, Aunt Beru used to have long hair, before she chopped it all off, and she'd braid it every morning. As a young boy who was "too young" to help Uncle Owen on the farm, she taught me how. I kept it up by messing around with wiring and ropes from time to time. I had to start over at least three different times because I was out of practice. Do you really like it?"

     You pull back, still grinning from ear to ear, "Thank you, I love it."

     "Now you'll look stunning for the ceremony too." He winks. You resist rolling your eyes, but when he puts on the yellow jacket he had carried in with the set of clothes Han had given him to change into, you can't help how your mouth falls open a little. "Is it too much?" He asks nervously.

     You stand to your feet and walk over to him, fixing his collar, "Not at all." You press your lips to his cheek, "Yellow is definitely your color, blondie."

author's note:
     Just gonna say that Luke in his little yellow jacket is the cutest thing ever. 💛 I also saw a tumblr post about Han giving Luke clothes to change into for the Yavin ceremony and I was so excited I managed to slip that in there.
     Update: the list of requests is still missing. I believe it got thrown out by accident so I'm going to type one out and keep it under story notes on this book. I appreciate all of you who have reminded me of the requests I've promised to write already, but if you haven't, please send them to me asap. Love you all 💙
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah



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