{Luke Skywalker} Hold on Pt. 3 [Request]

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After thirty or so minutes in your cell, an officer comes in to escort you to the carbon-freezing chamber. For once, you don't struggle. There's no point in resisting. There will be no rescue while Vader is present. If only Luke... You retract the thought entirely, the absolute worst thing for Luke would be to try to come and rescue you.
You are lead to a dark room and positioned by Darth Vader himself. You glance to the others who look unnerved. Han is cuffed and guarded more heavily than the others. Your eyes widen and you look to Vader, There going to test it on Han. I can't let him do that. You start to resist, but Vader lifts his hand and pressure is immediately applied to your neck. "Young ____, you have much to learn. If I didn't need you to lure Skywalker, you'd already be dead. Patience is the only reason I don't kill you now." He lowers his hand. You fall to the ground, gasping for air. Leia glances to you with a worried look. You shake your head to let her know that you're alright, well as alright as you can be. You rise to your feet, and Vader gives the command to begin the process.
"What if he doesn't survive?" Boba Fett asks, "He's no good to me dead." You turn to see the bounty hunter standing tensely next to the Sith Lord.
"The Empire will compensate you if he dies," Vader replies. "Put him in."
Chewbacca roars loudly and begins to fight the troopers. Han realizes that it will do more harm than good, "Stop. Chewie, stop!"
Threepio, partly assembled, panics, "Please stop, I'm not ready to die."
Han rushes over to the Wookie, "Hey! Hey! Listen to me, Chewie. This won't help me. Hey, save your strength. There will be another time. The princess- you have to take care of her." Leia leans on Chewie. Han continues, "Do you hear me?" The Wookie lets out a soft reply. Han then turns to Leia. There is so much he wants to tell her, but there isn't time. Instead he leans down, and they share a quick kiss before Han is dragged away to the chamber.
"I love you," Leia calls out.
Han smirks slightly, "I know."
     All you can do is watch as Han is lowered into the chamber. He gives you a wink before the process begins. Steam fills the room as Chewbacca cries out for Han. Leia stays close to Chewie, not taking her eyes off of where Han was once standing. You hang your head in defeat.
     You can feel the eagerness radiating off of Darth Vader as Han is pulled from the chamber. A large claw grips the rectangular sized mold and lifts it from the chamber. As it comes into view, you gasp. The mold has taken the shape of the Captain, but the mere sight of it is frightening. It looks as if he was frozen mid-scream with his hands held out in order to stop the process, to no avail.
      As the mold slams to the floor, Leia visibly grips Chewbacca tighter. Lando looks over to her guiltily before going to check Han's vitals.
"Well, Calrissian, did he survive?" Vader asks intimidatingly.
"Yes, he's alive." Lando replies. "And in perfect hibernation."
Vader turns to Boba Fett, "He's all yours, bounty hunter." The bounty hunter nods. "Reset the chamber for Skywalker," Vader commands.
He turns to you, "Is there a problem young ____?" You shake your head. "Good."
An officer approaches Vader, "Skywalker has just landed, lord." Panic rises in you. No! He doesn't know! Someone has to warn him! He doesn't know! You make eye contact with Leia, who shares the same look of fear as you. "Good," Vader continues, "See to it that he finds his way in here." Vader walks over to Lando, "Calrissian, take the princess and the Wookie to my ship."
Lando, frustrated from having to watch his friend become a slab of carbon, argues, "You said they'd be left in the city under my supervision."
Darth Vader replies, "I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further." Han looks concerned as he turns to Leia and Chewie. Vader barks out an order the the officer who has been escorting you to and from the detention center, "Take her back to her cell. I need her to secure Skywalker."
"No!" You yell out as you struggle. When a blaster is pressed into your back, you stop your struggle. Vader walks over to you looming over your shorter stature.
"I can see why young Skywalker is infatuated with you. You have spirit. However, it is misplaced in your pathetic Rebellion and your friends. Anymore complications, and I will execute you myself." He storms off. You put a hand to your throat remembering the incident in the interrogation room. He's not messing around. He's completely serious.
You are taken back to your cell to wait for Luke. As you wait, you walk in circles, hoping the for once Luke will leave you behind. Eventually, you sit on the floor and look up through the bars. You wait a minute or two before closing your eyes and whispering as if Luke could hear you, "Luke, don't come back for me. I'm not worth it. Save the others while you can." You choke on your next sentence, "Vader—he's going to kill me anyway, leave while you can."
"Well, it's a good thing I'm not standing above you with a way out of here then." A voice jokes.
You open your eyes to see none other than Luke Skywalker igniting his blue lightsaber to cut the bars of the cell. "Luke!" You exclaim, overjoyed to see him. Then reality sets in, "No, Luke you have to save the others, it's a trap, and I'm the bait. Please, Luke, leave me."
He looks at you incredulously, "And let Vader kill you? Absolutely not. I'm getting you out of here." R2D2 beeps in agreement beside him. The bars break and Luke pulls you from the cell.
Luke—" You start.
"No, ____. I'm not leaving you behind to become a martyr. I need you." He sighs and looks into your eyes, "____, I need you. You mean the galaxy to me, if I lose you. I'm lost. You're my light. Now go, lead the way for me by saving the others." He hands you his blaster and gives you a small smile, "I love you."
He sprints off to the carbon-freeze chamber without letting you get a word in. Artoo starts to follow after, but the door closes behind Luke, trapping him inside.
You take a deep breath, "Artoo, lets go find the others." The droid beeps in agreement, and the two of you take off after Leia and Chewie. We're on our way. Hold on.

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