Part 75

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*** Feels trigger warning? This was a nice release for me. I feel like I just took a bath after writing this one. I guess I did clean myself of someone though, so it works out. ***

Avi drove me to an apartment in a side of town I didn't recognize and pulled me out the car. He led me up two flights of stairs and up to door 258. He knocked in some weird syncopated rhythm before the door opened to reveal a very confused Rachael.

"What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk." He pushed past her, pulling me into her apartment behind him. Her apartment looked very much like Avi and Kevin's. Avi crossed his arms and turned around to face her. She walked over to him, an obvious anger on her face.

"You barge into my apartment out of nowhere and demand to talk to me?"

"Don't act like you didn't call me yesterday."

Her mouth fell open. I looked down, remembering the stressed look on Avi's face when her name flashed on his phone's screen. He looked like he was going to lose his lunch. He nearly had a panic attack in the middle of a Pentatonix rehearsal.

"It was a wrong button press."

"You left a message." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and pressed a few buttons. "Would you like to hear it?" He pressed the button.

"Hi, Avi." I could tell it was her voice, but there was something horrifying about it. "Remember me? Of course you do. Listen, I've run out of toys to play with and, lets be honest, Mitch is too good for you." She was so desperate for him. She sounded like one of those phone stalkers. "So, why don't you bring your ass back here and we'll go for a little night ride around town." Was she serious? She sent that of all things, just as he was getting better?

"I'm tired of this. Stop calling me. Stop following me. Stop sending me mail. Stop. Just... stop." He gripped my hand a little tighter and stuffed his phone back into his pocket. "I've moved on. I've gotten better and I refuse to let you drag me back into what I used to be. Have fun being alone." He pulled me out of the apartment behind him and slammed her door. He dragged me down the hall and around the corner before he stopped. He just stood there with my hand in his and his back to me.


He turned around and smiled, grabbing the sides of my face and resting his forehead on mine. I let my hands grab onto the sides of his shirt, just above his hips. "I love you, Kitten."

"I love you too, Fuck nugget."

He laughed a little and kissed me, pinning me to the wall for a moment before leading me out the door and back to his car. He handed me the keys and walked around to the passenger's side.


"I'm still shaking from that. You drive. I trust you."

I had never felt so happy to hear those words from him. He'd refused to let anyone else drive since the day he got back in a car, but now he was giving me the keys to his car. I felt like my mouth would rip from how hard I was smiling. I sat in the drivers seat. I had nothing to adjust, thanks to us being almost the same height. With no hesitation, I backed out of the parking space and pulled off into traffic, with no protest from Avi. He looked so relaxed next to me. He'd closed his eyes, but there was an unquestionable grin on his face. By the time I'd pulled up to my apartment, he was asleep.

"Dammit, Avi."

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