Part Eleven

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"I know."

After all was said and done, everyone filed out of our apartment, leaving Scott and me alone, for the first time in 2 weeks. Scott had started to clean and, instead of helping like a good roommate, I sat down on the couch and watched him run around.

"You could help."

"Nah, I'm good." I smiled and turned the channel to Game of Thrones. I hadn't watched much of the show before, but I figured since I was going to be spending a lot of time with Avi, I should get used to some of the character's faces. Thankfully, it was a rerun of the first episode, so I wasn't behind on anything they were saying. By time Scott had finished cleaning the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, and both of our rooms, the sun was coming up and I was on season 3.

"She is the Khaleesi! That's right. Get him girl!"

Scott walked past me, probably heading to bed, so I turned the TV down a little and continued watching.

"Drag ha, sis! Yas!"

I passed out somewhere in the middle of a dragon conversation and woke up at around 3pm with a blanket over me. I sat up to look around, but there was no one. I was alone again. There was a note on the dining table.

"Hey Mitch,


I'm heading out with lover boy. Be home tonight. Sorry!



I sighed and walked around our large, empty apartment and ultimately decided to head to my room and try to get more sleep. I laid down and pulled my blankets up to my ears. I could hear a faint vibration on my bedside table and reached out to answer my phone.


"Hey, Mitchie."


"Yup. You at home? Kevin and Kevira are out on the town and that apartment's too quiet."

"I... I am, but..."

"Great! I'll bring more snacks!"

Was this gonna be a daily routine? Dammit Avi.

I didn't bother getting dressed, in fact, I decided I didn't need a shirt. I was walking around in some old basketball shorts I had collecting dust in the back of my dresser. I left the door unlocked for Avi, figuring there was enough left over beer, wine, and water for us to survive a few days in each other's company. He invited himself in and caught me in the kitchen.

"Hey there, nudist."

"I'm wearing shorts!"

He laughed and set down two more bags of snacks on the counter.

"I looked up gluten free snacks this time. Do you even eat these?"

"You're gonna make me fat."

"You're a cute fat though!"

"So are you."

He glared at me and pressed a cupcake against my nose.

"What's this for? It's not a holiday."

"I know."

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