Part Seventeen

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"I don't know."

I crossed my legs and angled my body towards Avi.

"You just... You were singing so passionately..."

"That doesn't mean kiss me! ... You like me don't you?"

"Not at all."

"Denial is an ugly monster."

He threw a pillow at me. I laughed and threw it back. Scott came in just then, but Avi didn't notice. He was too busy tackling me.Avi was straddling my hips, but my arms were tucked under his knees. Oh no.

"Oh no."

He started tickling me. I couldn't do anything but scream and laugh and try to get my hands free. He had mastered this technique. I couldn't budge.

"Scott! Help!"

Avi turned his head.

"Hey, Scott."

"Hey, Avi."

And with that, he was gone. I made the internal promise to suffocate Scott in his sleep as Avi returned his hands to my sides and stomach, leaving no place untouched. He had the biggest grin on his face. He stopped and leaned down, kissing me again. Scott walked past us into the kitchen. Avi pulled away, keeping his eyes locked with mine.

"What are you up to?"

Avi raised his eyebrows, then furrowed them.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"If this is your invitation to bottom, you're welcome to it."

Scott almost inhaled the glass he was drinking from and coughed vehemently. Avi's face turned bright red. I couldn't stop laughing. He stood up, grabbed his guitar, and headed for the door.

"See you in rehearsal tomorrow."

"Bye, Lily."

He slammed the door. I felt a large amount of satisfaction. Apparently, I was oozing it. This was going to be fun.

"Did you just call him Lily?"

"I did."


"It's our thing."

I couldn't tell Scott it was because Avi was a virgin. As far as he knew we'd done the horizontal tango 1.5 times. Who knew sex puns would be my weapon of mass destruction.

"I've never seen Avi blush before. What did you do to him?"

"I don't know!"

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