Chapter 12: That Question Again

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"WE heard about Coco... we really sad for losing her," said Yugyeom.

"We knew you love her so much. We love her too," said Bambam.

Youngjae didn't say anything. He just stare at Coco's picture in frame. Bambam, Yugyeom and Mark went to visit Youngjae in his house. Other members that couldn't meet Youngjae sent message for Youngjae but he didn't reply any of the message.

Mark that also used to be Coco's owner couldn't say much as he also really sad with what happened to Coco but Youngjae had taken over Coco after they live separately so no wonder Youngjae got the most affected with the incident.

"You're a good owner to Coco. I believe she's leaving this world with a happy feeling," said Mark.

"No. I'm not a good owner," said Youngjae suddenly causing the members to look at him with surprise look with that answer.

"Who said so?" asked Bambam.

"She died... because I'm not giving enough attention to her. I should know she's in pain but I choose to do my work instead of staying beside her. I should bring her to the vet faster but because of the fans that cornered me she couldn't..." Youngjae couldn't finish his words and choked.

The three members looked at him with sorry look. They know Youngjae regret a lot with what happened. Pet might look just a normal animal for some people but for the owner, pet is a family and losing them is the biggest pain to the owner.

Youngjae wiped his tears, "I'm sorry but can you guys go home now? I want to sleep. We got practice tomorrow."

"If you can't join the practice, we can ask Suwoong hyung to postpone our practice," told Bambam.

"I don't think we can postpone the practice. We still need to learn a lot the choreo. The comeback is getting nearer," said Youngjae.

They couldn't say anything anymore. They left Youngjae's house with heavy feeling knowing that Youngjae facing his hard time.

"I'm so sorry for Youngjae hyung. Coco is really loveable dog. I'm sad for her death too," said Yugyeom.

Bambam nodded, "Pet is friend that hearing to our problem and story. Pet also a family that precious to us. I have pets too and the love that I have for my cats are really cannot be describe in words."

Yugyeom nodded. He glanced to Mark that be in silent, "Are you okay Mark hyung? You must be in hard time too as both of you bought her first."

"I never know... our job can put a life on stake," said Mark suddenly.


"I think the most thing Youngjae is going to think right now is... what if... he's not Got7's member?" said Mark.

Bambam and Yugyeom flinched to hear that.

"Errr... hyung, isn't that just too overboard?" said Yugyeom.

"By looking at his eye gaze just now, I saw how big that impact of this incident to him. He's a fragile guy. Coco is part of Youngjae's life and suddenly that part is gone... that big enough to make him crushed," said Mark.

"I don't have good feeling about this," said Bambam.

"But... to say that as the reason he questioned his part as Got7's member... being a singer is his dream, right?" Yugyeom gave out his opinion.

"I understand what Mark hyung said. Coco's existence in his life just too big and her death just too unexpected that he couldn't accept it. He regret a lot and he's going to have lot of 'what if' in his head including... what if he's not part of Got7. So that he can have more time for her and not get cornered by fans when he's in middle of rush to save Coco's life. The point is he's in his most fragile moment now. He couldn't see other thing well for this time being," explained Bambam.

Yugyeom nodded, "Hmmm... I don't think to that extent."

"But honestly speaking, aren't any of you guys have a thought to..." Mark looked at Bambam and Yugyeom with hesitate feeling before said, "Leave the group?"

"What are you saying hyung?! Are you crazy?" Yugyeom suddenly got hyped up with Mark's ridiculous thought.

Mark flinched, "I'm sorry. Maybe I'm just too emotional with what happened today. I need to go first. See you guys tomorrow."

Mark then walked away and left the maknae line.

"What's wrong with that hyung? Why he asked that sudden question. Aren't we agree that we're not going to raise this issue anymore? Did he forgot about Saemi?" asked Yugyeom. He still in frustrated with Mark's question that make him mad.

"Saemi... it's been a while since we saw her," said Bambam suddenly. He looks like not as mad as Yugyeom.

"Of course. She only able to show up when seven of us gather together, remember? It's been a while since we gather as full team as Jackson hyung in China but in another few days he will come back so maybe Saemi will come and visit us," said Yugyeom.

Bambam didn't say anything.

"It's getting late. Let's go home. I'm going to drop you home," said Yugyeom.

"I don't want to go home."

Yugyeom turned his head, "Why?"

Bambam looked in dilemma. He looked at Yugyeom, "I... I got mysterious letter sent directly under my door saying harsh words on me."

Yugyeom's eyes turned wide, "Are you serious?!"

"At first I thought just random sasaeng that might already now my house. I don't bother with those letters at first but after few times I got it, the last letter said that he or she is going to kill me. That last letter was written with... blood."

"Yah! That's a threat! You need to lodge police report! We need to tell the company about this," said Yugyeom.

"Why... they hate me so much? I'm a human too. I just want to do the thing that I love. I'm not disturbing anyone. They can just leave me if they don't like me but why should they torture me? What I've done to them? I'm so scared..."

Yugyeom flinched. Bambam's face looks in despair right now. He never saw that kind of facial expression on his bestfriend. How long had Bambam hide his real feeling all this while?

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