Chapter 27: Arrival

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"WAHHH... finally we're in South Korea!" said Baby excitedly as they're walking out from the airport.

"Where is P'May?" asked Bambam.

"She supposed to be here by now," said Bank while looked at his watch.

Bambam and his big family having their family vacation to South Korea. It's already their tradition to have vacation overseas once per year and this year they agreed to have their family vacation in South Korea. One of Bambam's cousin further her study in one of university there so it such an advantage for them to have their own family as their tour guide.

"Oh, she's there!" Bambam's aunt point to the girl that ran towards them.

"Sorry for make everyone wait!" said May in huffed before hug everyone there.

"It's okay May. Ahh... you look prettier now!" Bambam's mother complimented her.

May smiled as she's flipping her hair, "I'm pretty enough to begin with. Oh, this is Minho. He's my friend that will drive us everywhere. I've tell a lot about him, right?" May winked towards them.

Minho smiled, "Hi... I'm Minho."

The aunties then compliment how kind Minho for willingly to be their driver. They walked to the van and put their luggage in the trunk before May and Minho then brought them to the Korean restaurant for lunch.

"P'May... your boyfriend looks more handsome in person!" whispered Baby while they're having their lunch.

May chuckled before talked to Minho in Korean causing Minho's face turned red. Minho put down his chopstick before quickly bowed down while saying, "Thank you!"

"Hyung, your face really can pass to be an idol!" said Bambam.

Minho chuckled, "Ayy~ don't be so... wait you can speak Korean?" Minho looked at Bambam with disbelief look.

May also looked surprised to hear Bambam's smooth Korean, "You can speak Korean? Since when?"

"Don't bother to ask. He also doesn't know that. Suddenly one day he just realize he can speak and understand Korean well," told Baby before put mouthful of jajangmyeon in her mouth.

"I almost bring him to the psychiatric but considering he's acting normal and not sick anywhere so I just consider that it might be a rare case like there is possibility for us to wake up in the morning and suddenly lose our sense or whatever. But in his case, he got a sudden new ability," explained Bambam's mother.

"He already crazy enough and I don't think he can be any crazier," commented Beer and Bank also nodded.

"What about other language?" asked May.

"Emm... I found that I can speak Japanese quite well too but I can't really speak Japanese as well as Korean," told Bambam.

"You should ask the monk in temple. Maybe Bambam disturbed any spirit or something," said Bambam's aunty.

Bambam chuckled, "I'm okay seriously!"

Bambam's auntie going to say more but suddenly there's someone came to their table giving out the brochure, "Excuse me... sorry for disturbing. We're going to have kpop competition at level 4 later. Do come over to watch if you got time."

"What time will the event start?" asked May that looks interested with the competition.

The guy looked at his watch before said, "We're having register session for the competitors now. Maybe another 1 or 2 hour."

"Okay then," May nodded to him. That guy then nodded too before left their table.

"What is this May?" asked Bank while his eyes trying to understand the Korean words in that brochure.

"They're going to have kpop competition at level 4 later. We can go and watch that competition if we want as it open to public," explained May.

"I want to watch it!" said Baby.

"Me too," told Bank.

"Well, okay then. Minho also likes to watch kpop performance," told May.

"I want to go shopping. I saw nice clothes at the store we walked through just now," told their mother.

"I want to go shopping too," said Bambam's auntie.

"I'll accompany mom and auntie. You guys can go and watch that competition," told Beer.

After finished their lunch, they separated with five of them went to level 4 to watch the competition. There are lot of people already gather there with the competitor at one place having their registration session while the supporters and audiences already took their place at the audience seat.

Bambam then suddenly felt his stomach growling weirdly.

"What's wrong, Bambam?" asked Bank.

"Ugh... I got stomachache suddenly. Am I eating too much just now that it couldn't digest well? Where's the toilet?" Bambam looked around while holding to his stomach.

"Oh, it looks like the toilet sign there!" told Bank while pointing to the toilet sign not far from them.

"I'm going to toilet first. Please save my spot," said Bambam before then quickly went to the toilet that near the registration spot for the competitors.


MARK let out big sigh for the nth time. Mrs. Tuan glanced at his son, "Just wait for a while. I need to buy a lot for your sisters, your brother, your niece, your father and I think I need to buy some for your aunties and cousins too."

"You might buy for the whole our neighborhood too," mumbled Mark.

"What you said?"

"No... nothing! I just said that can you let me go back to hotel? You just said we're going to have lunch before. You're not mentioning you're going to do shopping," complained Mark.

"I don't know how to go back to hotel on my own. You're the one who knows to speak Korean even I have no idea since when you knew," said Mrs. Tuan while looking at the clothes. She then realized two ladies not far from them that also foreigners are busy choosing the clothes.

"See that two Thai ladies. They might be shopping for their relatives too, right?" guessed Mrs. Tuan.

Mark that honestly don't even bother just shrugged. He then saw a bunting outside of that store, "Kpop competition? Oh, it's today..."

"What you said?" asked Mrs. Tuan while her eyes still on the clothes.

"Mom, I want to go to level 4 to watch that kpop competition. Just call me when you're done. I'll be there for killing some time," told Mark.

"Okay. Make sure you're not leaving this building or I might hide your passport," said Mrs. Tuan before Mark then left the store and went to level 4.

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