Chapter 26: Flying

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HE looked at his music notebook on his table that he used to write melody and rap-making. He then looked at the triangle necklace beside that notebook. He took that necklace before stare it quite a while.

"What are you actually? Why the more I see you, the more I eager to be serious in music?" asked Jackson that he doesn't really sure to whom that question for.

That mysterious necklace also sometimes brought him to mystery memory that suddenly appeared in his head. He knew those memories never existed in his life but why he felt those memories are his memories? But from when and where?

He really in despair for these past days. He couldn't focus in fencing anymore. His body only feels calm when he listen to music and work in his music. After he met Sean last night, he feels like everything is like a fate for him to meet Sean at the time he felt lost. The opportunity that Sean offer to him like the light for his darkness.

Jackson took Sean's business card from the drawer. He took his phone and ready to dial. He took a deep breath, "Now or never, Wang Jackson!"


"ARE you mad?!" yelled Ricky.

"This is not a joke Jackson!" said Sophia.

Jackson that already foresee that kind of reaction from his parents took a deep breath, "I'm not mad and I'm not joking. I'm serious to stop my career as fencer and I want to be a rapper."

Ricky smirked, "A rapper? You're the national athlete and can win gold in the next Olympic but now you said you want to forget all that because you want to be a rapper instead? Don't be fool!"

"If my decision will make me look like a fool, it's better to be one instead of living doing the thing I don't want to," told Jackson calm.

"The thing you don't want to? Jackson, fencing is your favorite sport since you were child! Fencing is literally your life. You have the passion and the talent. How can you say like that now?" asked Sophia.

"Yes. Fencing was my passion but not now anymore. Fencing couldn't make me excite anymore but music do. I feel the excitement when I wrote rap and rapping. I want to be entertainer and I believe I can succeed. Just believe in me!" begged Jackson desperately.

Ricky shook his head, "I really can't believe this... just because that Sean guy said he can help you to be a rapper so you believe in him and forgot on what you already worked for years in fencing?"

"No. It not just because Sean. It almost four years since I lost my interest slowly in fencing. You must be realize too how I cannot focus anymore during practice. I don't want to lie myself and everyone anymore. I admit fencing was my passion and really special for me but... I don't think I can be a good fencer anymore when my heart is not there anymore," said Jackson calm. He knows that no use for him to act stubborn and throwing tantrum. He needs to show his parents that he now mature enough to make his own life decision.

His parents didn't say anything but not look at him either.

"I... just want both of you to support my decision and believe me. I know I can do my best in music. I promise that I will never give up and I'll be succeed. I promise that I will make Hong Kong proud of me again and this time not as fencer but as musician," promised Jackson seriously.

Ricky looked at Jackson with same angry face like before, "You will regret your decision, Jackson Wang!"

His father then walked away and left them in that living room. Sophia looked at her husband walked away before sighed. She looked at her son again, "So are you serious that you're going to follow Sean to South Korea next week?"

Jackson nodded, "I've contacted him and he will take care everything for me. He will introduce me with a well-known producer that he close with in South Korea. For the beginning maybe I'll be there for a week or maybe less. If the producer agree to accept me as trainee then maybe we will proceed with the contract. If not... I will train by myself and try the audition again in other company."

Sophia slowly grabbed his son's hand softly, "Gaga... I can't deny to myself that I'm not afraid with your decision. I understand why your father feels so disappointed and really oppose your decision. But..." Sophia then put her hand softly on Jackson's cheek, "It's been a while since I see your shining eyes. The shining eyes that really shows how passionate of you in what you're going to do. You have my blessing. Go spread your wings and fly high. I believe in you, my son."

Jackson holds to his mother's hand on his cheeks before kissed that hand, "Thank you, mama..."


"WE'RE going to South Korea? Tomorrow?"

"Yup. We're going to go there for three of us. Your dad, me and you. Your dad is going to see his client there and you can accompany me to walk around," said Mrs. Tuan while packing her baggage.

"But... why don't you tell me sooner?" asked Mark that still looked at his mother in disbelief look.

"What's the difference then? You're starting your mid semester break and you won't do your assignment until the very last day of the due date. You're just going to play video game all day. You basically have lots of free time," said Mrs. Tuan recklessly.

Mark couldn't say anything as everything is just true and he has no point to deny his mother's points.

"I'm going to Carl's house to return his book," said Mark before left his mother's room.

"Back home faster! You need to pack your bag," shouted his mother.

Mark then walked out from house while bringing Carl's book that he lent last week. Carl's house just few blocks away from his house that he often went to his friend's house whenever felt bored.

"South Korea? What's good in there?" mumbled Mark alone. Suddenly he remembered the moment he understood a Korean man who speaks Korean few weeks ago.

"That's right... since that day I suddenly can understand Korean. How can it be? I never learned that language at all before," said Mark.

He did tried watching Korean video without subtitle after he got back home that day and surprisingly he found himself can understand the language very well. That was so mysterious that he even scared to tell anyone as he scared people around him might thought he already got possessed or whatever.

"WOAHHH!!! WATCH OUT!!!" someone suddenly shouting from behind.

Mark that was too surprise suddenly jumped out and flip in the air before landing safely on the ground. The kid that also low down his body pass below Mark safely with his roller blade.

"Sorry and you so cool bro!" shouted that kid again before gone from sight.

Mark in huffed looked at his feet. His feet really safely on the ground now and he's not hurting anywhere but...

"When did you learned flying like that, dude?!" shouted Carl with jaw dropped in front of his house.

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