Chapter 7

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7. Someone's got a crush...

Reya had woken up with a grin on her face. Her first thought was what had happened last night. My love. Just thinking about it made her heart flutter.

The sun was shining in through the blinds, filling the room with warmth. She got up and got ready with a skip in her step. Exciting things were to come. Niki was already awake when she got out the shower. The two had a small conversation before continuing to get ready.

When they walked out to the main room and kitchen the only people who were up was Clay and George. They seemed to be making pancakes however there was a lot of flour on the counter.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be making pancakes not throwing them around?" Reya asked with a small smirk on her face.
Both Clay and George's faces went red for a hot sec.

"We got a little carried away... George started it though!" Clay said also with a smirk on his face. George knew what was coming. Endless teasing from Reya.

"That's not true, who was it bringing up the tweet i accidentally commented on."
George made a bit mistake saying that. Sapnap and Karl had both walked out as he said it.

"Woah why we talking about that again? Gogy I think it's time you explain." Sapnap hinted. George's eyes widened. He looked as if he was going to murder nick. Reya kept putting two and two together. George likes clay. Nick knows he likes clay. Clay doesn't know anything but continuously flirts with George making it seem like he did. Unless he actually did... Reya was getting major heatwaves flashbacks and had to snap out of it before someone noticed.

"Nick there's nothing to explain, it was an accident..." he passed off simply. In the corner of her eye Reya could see Clay deflate the slightest bit. She felt like a detective noticing all these clues. She decided she would finally ask George about Clay later. Instead for now the rest of them had woken up and they were all eating the pancakes.

"Woah Clay, George these are good, didn't know you guys could cook." Tommy said. He actually said something nice for one.
"I thought you old people just ate ramen and takeout everyday." Oh welp. It was nice while it lasted. Just Tommy being Tommy.
They all laughed while Wilbur laughed nervously.
"Oh Wilbur you eat ramen and takeout everyday?" Reya said laughing.
"Not take out but ramen yes." Everyone laughed at that.

Today they decided they would head down to the beach. They had to take a few cars as there was so many of them. Clay for some reason had a 7 seater car so him, George, Sapnap, Karl, Badboyhalo, Alex and Reya all squished into that car. Why would a 21 year old boy need a 7 seater just for himself? I guess for this. It's like he planned it. Karl allowed Wilbur, Niki, Tommy and Tubbo to use his car. On the promise they wouldn't crash it. Soon enough they were on there way. George and Sapnap were currently arguing over who played what music, bad was saying language every time they swore. Clay was threatening to turn this car around as they continued to argue. Karl was just being Karl. Boogying to the music that eventually got played, doing his little dancey dance. All while Reya and Alex joked about in the back.

The car ride was longer than expected. Reya's eyelids grew heavy and she slowly succumbed to sleep. Her head fell softly onto Alex's shoulder. Alex looked down to her, hearing her soft breaths and she slept. Not fully knowing what to do he just put his arm around her shoulders and soon put his head on hers. Soon enough they were both asleep.

Meanwhile in the front of the car Clay and George were dancing to the music that was on. Sapnap and Karl were trying so hard to get bad to swear. Not successfully of course. Everyone went silent when the next song played. George's eyes widened. He forgot this song was on his playlist. Everyone turned to him confused.

𝘋𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 ~ 𝘘𝘶𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now