Chapter 26

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26. Forgiveness?

Reya and George had been standing in the middle of the park for roughly 15 minutes. They weren't doing anything and Reya was beginning to get impatient. George was tapping his foot irritably and his face was ruffled with angst. She had never seen him so worried or concerned like that before. Well except when she showed up at his apartment out of nowhere...

Time kept passing by and still nothing happened. Reya took the time to admire her surroundings, so far she had counted 16 purple flowers and a whopping 37 yellow dandelions. The tall trees were beginning to get boring to look at even in their autumn colours. The leaves fell delicately to the ground, one after the other as a sequence. In one of the oak branches sat a grey squirrel; it was munching on a acorn it had stolen from a nest. It left the baby birds chirping loudly for their mother. Weird how much is going on when you actually stop to notice.

Once again she was getting even more irritated. His constant head turning and foot tapping was spiking up her nerves. He could just say he hired a hit man and that would somehow calm her nerves. More so than just looking round silently. They were stood looking very dodgy in middle of this open field area. However still he did not budge in telling her his plans.

"George please tell me why we are here. I mean it's a beautiful place but surely it would be more beautiful with a purpose for being here?." Reya sighed loudly, gaining his distracted thoughts.

He looked around once again, ignoring her words, he peaked his head around her cautiously. She didn't bother looking with him but instead rolled her eyes at his antics. He pulled back almost instantly, a small, cheeky grin playing at his lips.

"Just wait and see." He grinned suspiciously.

Her curiosity got the better of her and she whipped her head around, her hair following suit and hitting her face, to glance where George's eyes had once been set upon. She almost did a double take at the sight.

There he was.

Just standing there in a blue hoodie matching the blue beanie. He had black jeans and black converse to match, his clothes were slightly creased from the plane ride. He looked so good.

Her breath got caught in her throat and she struggled to grasp onto the concept of him being there for a moment. Behind her George was smiling like the Cheshire Cat. Her legs felt weak, knees shaking slightly, and her eyes widened. Not today did she expect to face the dreaded consequences. She didn't expect this for at least a couple weeks until she got back to America. But no, life is a cruel game.

She turned to face back at her evil best friend just to see him waving her off as if he was a mom leaving their child for a field trip. He left shortly after leaving her by herself. Great. Reya took a deep breath in, filling her lungs with much needed oxygen.

He was still standing there when she looked back but this time he was closer. She could see his face properly now. All his facial features looking as perfect as ever. She could see each strand of his black hair as it poked out the edge of his signature beanie.

The two adults stood facing each other in absolute silence, neither knowing how to start this endeavour.

Alex spoke first.



Everything came naturally after that. The conversation flowed somewhat smoothly. Both treading on eggshells not wanting to mess anything up more than it already was.

𝘋𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 ~ 𝘘𝘶𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now