Chapter 14

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14. I'm sorry p.1

[Saturday 13th February] [10:48am]

Reya had a horrible gut feeling. She felt nauseous as if she could throw up. But there was nothing to throw up. Her house was painfully quiet, it made Reya nervous. It always did especially considering the circumstances. She was missing Alex more and more each day but was also drifting from him more and more each day.

Her mother made a point to come talk to her everyday about how Alex doesn't care about her otherwise he would've called or he would've come over. She was right. He hadn't called. He hadn't drove up to her house to see if she was okay. So it must be true. Shouldn't it? He didn't care for her. It hurt her to admit it. He hadn't messaged her in over a week now. She was to blame for that but she just wished he would try contact her again. Just one more time. But she also wished he didn't. She didn't want to have to ignore him again.

Everyday she got several calls from George. He hadn't ever gone more than a day without speaking to Reya. She hadn't spoken to him in a while either and it worried George more than anything. She was no longer across the street from him so he couldn't just pop round and check if she was okay. He wasn't to get a plane to go see her. It was driving him insane. However he never gave up. He called everyday, he made sure of it. Hoping one of these days she will actually pick up and he'll hear her sweet voice.

As if on queue her phone started ringing, lighting up showing George's face and his number. She looked at it debating whether to pick up until the screen went dark again. She didn't have the energy to pick up. She wasn't in the mood to explain her sudden disappearance.

She had also promised her fans she'd stream soon but that promise was far out the window now. Her fans were beyond worried too. They set up a hashtag #reyasupport that got to number 10 trending in the US. Although she didn't know that. Everyone was worried about her.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a loud booming voice came from downstairs.

It was her mother.

She was calling Reya to come down. Another chance for her to tear her down.

She hesitated at first. She really didn't want to face her mother.

Eventually when her mother yelled one more time, she opened her door making her way down the creaky stairs. At the bottom in the main room stood her evil mother. Hand on her hips in a motherly stance. She stood at an intimidating 5'9 eyes tracing Reya's every move as she came further into the room.

"Now Reya darling I was thinking we have another chat about this Alex boy?"
Reya didn't respond. Kept her eyes down on the rug under her feet.
"I was thinking this boy isn't any good for you. He doesn't care for you like he a real boyfriend should. You deserve more than that. He hasn't even come to check if you are okay." Her voice rang in a sickly sweet tone.
Once again Reya didn't respond.
"Anyway I think you should break up with him."

"What?!" Reya's voice came out hoarse and quiet. She cleared her throat before repeating what she said.
"I said you should break up."
"I'm not going to break up with him just because you're telling me to." Her voice was strong but also trembled.

"Reya the boy doesn't even speak to you anymore. Believe me I'm doing you a favour!"
"I'm not breaking up with him. I'm going to fix it."
"Good luck with that. Your relationship is far from saving." She said with a dark chuckle.
"Well that's what I thought about yours and dads yet here you are."

Her mother's nostrils flared with anger and flames shot up in her eyes.

"How dare you speak to me like that. You will break up with this boy! You will listen to me!"
Bad decision.

The hit came quick and sharp, leaving a red hand mark on Reya's cheek. Tears brimmed in her eyes.

"Do it or you can go find somewhere else to live."

Her mother stalked out of the room knowing she got what she wanted. Reya finally let the tears fall down her cheeks dripping onto the beige rug. She lifted her hand to touch her inflamed cheek. Why did her mother always make her life a misery? She needed to break up with Alex. Never in a million years would she have thought she'd have to do that.

However she had no choice. Unless she wanted to become homeless she had to break up with Alex. And she had to do it soon.

A short chapter :]

Originally it was too long so I split it into two parts or maybe three depending how long the next one is.

The next is gonna be Alex's POV of this :]

Also this made me sad. My babies having to break up :[ not very poggers evil mother

Don't forget to vote!! [of course only if you enjoy it!]

879 words.

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