Chapter 18

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Disclaimer - there is Spanish included in this chapter and I do not speak Spanish. The sentences are translated in the comments but I had to use google translate so please correct the Spanish if it is wrong!!!

18. Why?

Alex was definitely not taking this well.

The dark haired boy drove the whole way home tears blurring his vision. When he reached his house, he didn't even acknowledge his family as he went straight to his room. He locked the door and fell face first into the bundles of covers on his bed. He lay there for way too long, ignoring the continuous knocking on his door.

Every ten minutes either his mum or one of his siblings would come and try get him to come out and talk. Which he didn't do. He stayed in his room for as long as he could before needing to leave to go to the bathroom or eat. His eyes were bloodshot when he looked into the dirty mirror. His hair was all messed up, sticking out the sides. For the first time in a while he wasn't wearing his beanie during the day.

He tried to sort it out only resulting in his hair going back to how it was before. He stumbled back into his dark room searching round for the iconic beanie. It was thrown over on his desk from when he got back last night. He put it on pulling it all the down his forehead.

Alex spent the whole night worrying and worrying. He wanted to message Reya, he knew something was up. Something wasn't right with Reya but he just didn't know what. He kept checking his phone praying to get a message from her. But no such thing happened.

Although he had several messages from George. George had no idea of what happened and was eager to hear what happened when Alex went over to see her. At first Alex ignored his message not wanting to talk about it with anyone. But he knew he had to tell him at somepoint. George could possibly help him.

Hey Alex
How'd it go?
Is she alright?
You there?


Okay Alex it's been like 10 hours.

Somethings wrong

What happened?!

Alex clicked the phone call button letting it ring. George picked up almost instantly. Alex began to explain what had happened that dreadful day. He didn't leave out any details. George remained silent as Alex went off spilling his thoughts and feelings. He was in shock. He saw how they were on the trip. They were perfect together, he couldn't even begin to think why she'd break up with him. He began to think of reasons and explanations for this. He's known Reya almost his whole life surely he'd be able to figure something out.

By the end of Alex's explanation of what happened he was hyperventilating. His chest rising and falling at a million miles per hour. He felt exhausted, all air just left his body leaving him choking for air. Everything went out of focus, he could hear echos of george trying to calm him down but it all just faded into noise and he became more and more panicked. His eyes were full of tears that started to spill. He didn't know what to do.

"Alex! Listen to me, you need to breathe in through your nose and out your mouth. I'll do it with you." He converted the call to video letting his face cover Alex's screen. "Here look at me and breath in."

He did as he was told inhaling for about 4 seconds. His breaths were shaky and he tried not to let out and sobs. Then he exhaled through his mouth for another 4 seconds. They did this together until Alex had calmed.

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