Chapter 22

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22. Regret

Reya needed to get away. Away from her thoughts and away from her mother. She was running on no sleep and the built up anger and regret. She sat on the edge of her bed, her feet touching the floor. Her leg was bouncing at the speed of light, sending shivers up her spine.

Her mind was racing at a million miles per hour. She wasn't thinking straight as she started typing on her keyboard. When finding what she wanted, she grabbed her back containing her bank card and quickly typed in the details so she wouldn't back out. After all was done she sat back in her chair, finally letting out a breath she seemed to be holding in. A dead weight was lifted off her shoulders and the pressure was erased from her brain. Reya couldn't quite believe what she had done.

One way ticket to London, purchased!

She bought a ticket to London. She departed tomorrow and her only challenge was to leave without her mom knowing. That would be difficult but doable with Elias and Thalia's help. Reya couldn't believe what she was doing, running of to London by herself. What would she even do there, she hadn't thought this through at all. She barely had enough money to live after buying that ticket. George. Yes George! He lived in London. Wait, but what if he didn't want her to stay, maybe he wouldn't have room. Oh god. She couldn't even let him know she was coming her phone was broken beyond oblivion. Hopefully he wouldn't be mad with her sudden appearance at his door after being dormant for months.

She only had roughly 11 hours until her flight, it was currently 4am. She should probably sleep but she couldn't. So instead she decided to pack her belongings. She only needed one suitcase and she filled it with clothes, toiletries and other necessary items she might want to take. She debated taking her guitar but decided against it. Reya packed enough for her to live on.

At around 9am she was going out of her mind from being in her room. She decided to find Elias and let him know what she was planning. Lucky for her he was awake and was currently sitting on his phone. She walked into the well lit room after knocking. His room wass much tidier than hers and actually had sunlight peaking though the curtains. He looked up to see his sister with a guilty look on her face.

"What's up Rey?" He asked genuinely. He couldn't help but worry for his sister. After everything she's gone through recently. It's broken her. She sat on the edge of his bed next to him, taking a deep inhale.

"I bought a ticket to London. It leaves tomorrow. I need you and Thali to cover for me so mom doesn't find out." Her voice was quiet but he heard what she said.

"Hey thats good, you need to get away, it'll be good for your mental health. Are you staying with a friend?"

"Yeah i'm staying with George. Are you guys going to be okay without me? I hate to leave you here with her."

"Me and Thalia will be okay, just worry about yourself. This'll be a good thing for you. You haven't seen George in ages." He put his arms around her, bringing her to lean her head to his shoulder. Her breathing was calm for the first time in a long time.

"Thank you, I love you."

"I love you too."


Before she knew it she had snuck out the house and was driving to the airport. Elias was in the drivers seat and Thalia was in the back. Her eyes were brimming with tears at the thought of leaving her siblings alone. Elias caught notice and rested his hand on hers, spreading his comfort.

They arrived at the airport sooner than she would've liked. This was there goodbye. No not a goodbye. More of a see you soon. She wrapped her two siblings into a warm embrace, not wanting to let either of them go. The loudspeaker called for her flight. She pulled away looking them both in the face. All of them had tears rolling down their cheeks.

𝘋𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 ~ 𝘘𝘶𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now