Chapter 21

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21. Drivers license pt2

A notification popped up on Alex's phone, he glanced at it quickly not really giving it much thought.

Reyadoessing has gone live!

He did a double take seeing who was currently streaming. He was in shock, she hadn't streamed for months. She hadn't even been on social media, not even to announce this stream. He could tell something was off when he clicked the little button sending him to her live. She was sat on her bed quite far from her set up. She had a guitar propped on her knee and a notebook open infront of her. She glued her eyes to it taking deep breaths. Her nerves were radiating through his screen. His eyebrows furrowed as she began to pluck the strings. He wasn't expecting her to sing, especially on her first stream back. He saw the chat going crazy, half cheering that's she's back and asking if she's okay, the other half noticing Alex was there. Reya couldn't see the chat so she didn't know he was watching. However she hoped he was. He needed to hear this to know how she's hurting, how she still cares about him.

She briefly looked at the camera. Her dark circles and blotched cheeks on full display. Alex gasped lightly in complete concern. The chat one again we're going crazy wondering what was going on, worried for Reya. Elias was still in the room, he was sat just out of view just listening as she was playing.

I got my drivers license last week, just like we always talked about.

Reya's voice was shaky after all she had been crying. Her voice was raspy too. However she kept going. She kept going, the lyrics brought back memories over the past couple months. The months she had spend with Alex.

You were so excited for me to finally drive up to your house.

Like the first time she met up with Alex. She drove to his house to do a stream with him. A media share stream. Spent hours laughing at the stupid videos the chat would pick. Even if they weren't funny, just the pure stupidity made them cry laughing. She will never forget the first time she met Alex. It was permanently engraved in her mind. In her heart.

But today I drove through the suburbs, crying because you weren't around.

Like all the times they would go in late night car drives. Screaming to Taylor swift until their voices were gone. She wanted nothing more than to go back to those times. When everything was easy, simple. When everything was perfect. Well not quite perfect. But close enough.

You're probably with that blonde girl, who always made me doubt.

Alex was sat in confusion. First stage of grief. Shock.

Eyes glued to the screen and he watched tears roll down Reya's cheek. He couldn't help but think this was about someone. Not just anyone though.

He refused to admit it though. Second stage of grief. Denial.

Shes so much older than me, she's everything I'm insecure about.

Everything was falling into place. The viewers started to speculate what this song was about. Alex knew full well what it was about. His first reaction was to be angry. Third stage of grief. Anger. Why would she put this into a song? This isn't fair she broke up with me first! It's none of her business who I date anymore. He thought to himself.

Reya started to think about the picture. The horrible picture. No. It was a perfect picture really. Ask anyone they would've said they were a perfect couple. How she wished the photo was horrible. How she wished she could just stop them. How she wished it was her.

Yeah today I drove through the suburbs, because how could I ever love someone else.

Her emotions started to get the better of her. Her voice cracked ever so slightly and her eyes watered.

𝘋𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 ~ 𝘘𝘶𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now