Chapter 19

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19. Distractions

Alex had decided the only way he was going to get over Reya would be with a distraction...

Normal people would assume he meant he'd stream more, or be more active on social media.


Not quite.

Alex had a slightly different method.

Recently, after meeting his neighbours, he had been starting to spend more time with their daughter Meghan. He thought she was a nice girl, she was smart and sweet. Often they struggled to find things to do since she was very focused on school and wasn't a streamer like Alex. But they managed.

Of course she was nothing like Reya. No one could possibly replace Reya. He didn't want anyone to replace Reya. He just wanted someone to replace his thoughts.

Alex and Meghan were getting awfully close, it hurt Alex but he needed to do it to get her off his mind. And what better way to do it than getting close with your neighbours daughter.

Whenever Alex was getting lost in his thoughts about Reya he resorted to inviting Meghan over. When she was round they would talk, watch movies, sometimes she'd sit on the sidelines quietly while he streamed. She was supportive of him streaming, and sometimes would ask if he would do a stream with her in. She found it all very intriguing.

All the fans had found her Twitter and was going crazy wondering what happened with him and Reya. They would connect the invisible dots in a heartbeat. Immediately coming to crazy conclusions. Half of the fans decided not to claim Meghan, saying they had a bad feeling about her whereas the other half seemed to think she was okay. There was an unspoken war between the fans.

Alex wasn't too sure about doing a stream with her. Partly because he didn't want to anger his fans, although he didn't really care too much what they thought, but also partly because he didn't want Reya seeing. Even though he wants her to see him moving on, he figured it was best just to leave it she probably had other stuff going on in her life.

And he was right. She did.

Now she had completely fell off the face of the earth. Her mother was getting worse and worse and there was nothing Reya could do. She couldn't tell her dad he'd never believe her. He was never here to see what she did to them. Recently he spent more time working than anything else. Claims the business is getting busy. And with her mother struggling to get a job that meant she was home all the time.

Her life was falling apart and she hated it. She wished more than anything that her dad would realise her mother was a terrible person and they could go back to normal.

Reya spent most of her days writing random lyrics. She never finished the songs once she started. There were at least 30 with potential. The lyrics were reflective of how she was feeling. Isolated. Regret. Anger. Fear.

Everyone was far more worried for her than she thought. Whenever her name was brought up around her friends you could tell they were worried. George would go silent, a sad look in his eyes. Tommy would try cover his worry with a bad joke. Karl would briefly try move off the topic, saying Reya just needed time to herself. Tubbo would try hide his sadness but would fail when saying he missed Reya, ranboo would know how to cheer him up of course. Bad would say he missed her. Clay and Sapnap were always together when it was brought up, they would go quiet for a couple seconds before saying meaningful things.

"We love you Reya if you're seeing this!"

"Reya you are so strong! We all miss you!"

She never saw it. No matter how many times her phone blew up with notifications. She could never bring herself to face the world. She didn't even know how she would begin explaining what happened. She felt terrible for leaving her fans so suddenly.

Alex was different, when Reya would mentioned he wouldn't even acknowledge it. The fans were too quick to jump. Assuming they weren't friends anymore, that something happened. Alex didn't acknowledge it knowing he'd breakdown if he did. Instead he kept to his distractions.


As even more time passed Meghan and Alex got closer, they hung out a lot and now streamed together occasionally.

Alex's mother had noticed how close they got so quickly. She was scared her son would go in too fast, that he'd end up regretting it later.
It was hard to get him alone to talk to him. She was always there or he was streaming or sleeping.

She finally managed to get him alone when Meghan had left after a stream.

"Alex, cariño, ven aquí. Necesitamos hablar."
She spoke softly. He came and sat next to her in confusion.

"¿Qué pasa mami?"

"¿Como has estado ultimamente? Nunca más estás cerca."

"Si mami estoy bien."

"No suenas bien."

She was completely right. He sounded broken, his voice was duller than normal, he didn't have his usual perk in his tone.

"Mamá estoy bien. Solo necesito superar este pequeño chapuzón, ¿de acuerdo?"

"Yo sólo quiero que seas feliz. Y no creo que precipitarse en otra relación como distracción te vaya a hacer feliz. Te conozco y te vas a arrepentir. Por favor, ten cuidado."

Her words dug into his brain. She was right. Of course she was. She was the wisest person he knew. He wants so bad to be rid of his negative thoughts and this was the only remedy. The only cure. He hadn't thought about the long term effects. If this went wrong he would be left feeling guilty, full of regret and disappointment if she found out he was mainly using her as a distraction. He didn't want to use her. That wasn't very fair on her.

"Seré cuidadoso lo prometo."


He took his mother's words to heart. He did... well I mean he said he did. If he said he did then he did right? Ah well anyway he continued as he was before his mother had said anything. He continued to get close with Meghan despite knowing he was going to regret every second of it.

Not long ago they decided to make it official. Obviously. They kept it quiet at first. Wanting to let Meghan adjust to her newfound fame. She was getting a fair bit of hate but it didn't seem to bother her.

Eventually they announced it on Twitter....

It was very low-key but everyone knew right off the bat.

Quackity4k just posted!

Women am I right?

Women am I right?

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-Tubbolive: woah...
        -user11: woah indeed tubbo...

-KarlJacobs_: POP OFF
         -user3: this is not popping off

-user64: Reya looking through the window right now 🧍‍♂️

Ew shorter chapter today. This was a pain to write I had so much writers block and this just really sucks :]

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm skipping too much and I'm just zooming through things but I just can't help it I'm too excited for what's about to come :DD

Oh well I'm sure someone will enjoy it so don't forget to vote if you do (you don't have to of course)

1220 words

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