Chapter 10

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10. Here comes trouble

This week so going weirdly well. Despite Reya's mom being back in her life, nothing had gone terribly wrong. Her mother was respectable to an extent. She kept out of Reya's way, avoiding any conversation, to Reya's delight. And Reya had Alex so basically nothing could ruin her mood.

Alex and Reya talked almost every night on facetime, both falling asleep before ending it. Alex would always wake up first. He'd watch her for a couple minutes, hearing her soft snores, she was a pretty sleeper. Eventually he'd end the call and send a cute little goodmorning text.

Goodmorning mi amor! Get ready I'm picking you up at 12, wear something nice ;)

Reya looked at the text with a small smile on her face.

Where are we going?

You'll see....

She looked into her closet looking for something presentable. She came across a short blue floral dress, she hardly ever wore dresses so it was a nice change and it was quite a warm day so it was perfect for the occasion. She didn't the rest of her routine having to rush slightly because she got distracted with Twitter.

It was 11:55 when Alex pulled up outside her house, he greeted her by the side of the car when she walked out. Giving him a quick kiss before hopping into the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?"
"That's a surprise, hermosa."
"Oh come on." She grinned at the cheeky smile he had painted on his face. Alex was focusing on the road, he had a specific look in his eyes when he's driving. He looked at peace with the world. She hadn't realised he caught her staring until his smirk grew wider.
"Like what you see?"

Reya turned to hide the blush settling on her cheeks.
"I don't want to boost your ego anymore."
"I don't have that big of an ego,"
"That's debatable."
"Mi amor! You have hurt my poor little heart!"
"Have i? Ooh that's too bad."

Alex started pulling a pouty face with puppy dog eyes. Why is he so irresistible when he does that? Reya thought to herself. Or so she thought.

"You think I'm irresistible do you?"
"Oh god I said that out loud?"
"Don't be embarrassed, princesa, nothing to be embarrassed about."
"I'm not embarrassed I just regret fuelling your ego."
"Hearts been broke so many times." He sang using his finger to mimic fake tears.

"Oh god I request permission to jump out this car!"
"Don't traumatise me."
He just rolled his eyes laughing without saying anything else. The rest of the ride went smoothly. Alex had eventually pulled up next to a bunch of fields. Fields full of bright and colourful flowers. Reya got out the car and looked all around her. For what seemed to be miles around was just fields of flowers. It was beautiful.

The two walked out to the middle of one where a plain red blanket was laid out. On it was a small basket and a couple scented candles. It was small but cute.

"Alex.. when did you do all this?"
"Magicians never tell their secrets." He spoke placing a finger over his lips in a shushing motion. Reya chuckled at his antics.
He gestures for her to join him on the blanket. The two sat and talked for a while, just small meaningless conversations.
In the basket was Reya's favourite flavour cake, red velvet. It was by far the best cake she had ever tasted, Alex agreed.

They continued to talk as the sun started to set, leaving them with only the light of the candles and the moon. They retired to looking at the stars, pointing out constellations they saw. The stars sparkled in the sky, they were entrancing. It w was a beautiful.

"Reya have I told you how beautiful you look today?"
"No you haven't."
"Well you look very beautiful, did you secretly know I was bringing you here? You dress matches the flowers."
"That was pure coincidence."

She turned her head to see Alex looking at her. The two got lost in each other's eyes. Laying under the stars, illuminated by the moonlight. The light shone perfectly on their faces. Just enough so they could see each other clearly, everything else in the background fading into a black blur. They stayed like this. In a comfortable silence, until they had to leave. Reya knew she would be coming back here a lot. She felt so at peace here. More so with Alex.

When she got back it was only 10pm, but everyone in the house was quiet. She went up to her room and changed into some comfier clothes. Not long after she got a text from Alex.

Today was fun shame it had to end, anyway I have a stream want to join?

"I'd love to,"

She quickly turned on her pc, opening discord. She called him and he picked up almost instantly.

"Come on the SMP I want to terrorise the server!" He screamed down the line. She did as she was told meeting him by the community house. No one else was online meaning they could do anything and no one could stop them.

They decided to go steal from Tommy since that was the first thing he did to Reya after she built her house. They didn't find much Tommy didn't have very much stuff. So instead they to George's little cottage. They stole all sorts of things like iron, diamonds and even some of his netherite armour.

After the masses of stealing and robbery they decided to just play for a little while. They were messing around with the auto tune on their mics when a loud noise came from Reya's side of the call. She quickly looked towards her door, eyes wide. She pulled a face of confusion, what the hell was that? It's like 12am who's making all that noise. She wanted to ignore it but she had a horrible feeling in her gut. Alex was calling her name over discord wanted to know if she was okay and what had happened.

"Uh Alex I have to go." Without even letting him respond she left the call.
Reya was worried about what that noise was. No noise followed after it.
She made her way out her room to the top of the stairs where she met Thalia who was equally as worried.
They listened out for more noises. Nothing.

Reya nominated herself to go down and see what happened. She slowly made her way down one step at a time, wary of the creaks. She felt like she had to be silent or something would come and get her. She peaked round the corner into the open room and infront of her make her skip a breath...

Hehehe cliff hanger don't hate me :)

𝘋𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 ~ 𝘘𝘶𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now