Chapter 13

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13. isolated

The next few weeks were torture. Reya did her best to stay speaking to Alex. But her mother kept getting into her head. She couldn't help but believe every word she said. "Alex doesn't like you." "He pities you" "he's using you for your fame."

All these hurtful things dug under her skin, forever flowing in her head staying in the front of her mind. She wanted to rid herself of all these negative feelings. But she was trapped.

As the time went on she was drifting. Drifting further away from Alex to the point she'd only message once a day. It was like she was on a raft in middle of the ocean floating further away from shore. Right into a storm. She wished the storm would just end it all but she also didn't want to know what the storm entailed. It was shocking how such a happy person could become so sad and emotionless. That's what manipulation does to a person. And Reya was a victim.

Alex was getting worried, her messages were short and blunt. If she even messaged at all. He'd ask if she was okay but she'd just say she's fine. Of course he didn't believe her.

Good morning mamacita
How are you on this fine


He didn't know how to respond, he wanted to go over and check she was okay but he didn't want to invade her privacy.

For the first time in 4 days Reya decided she would leave her room. She hadn't eaten in 2 days and the effects were finally getting to her. She decided to get something small and hoped no one would talk to her on her way.

She was just on her way up when she thought she was safe.


It was her Dad.

He sounded worried. He was worried.
She turned slightly to take in his demeanour. His eyebrows were knitted together and his eyes were swimming with worry. Seeing his daughter like this hurt him. It scared him because he couldn't do anything about it.

"Come here please. Speak to me." He said calmly.

She knew she'd regret it if she went but she did anyway. She walked towards her father and sat on one of the sofas in the room. She didn't speak at first. She didn't want to, she couldn't tell him what her mother had done. It would break his heart.

"Reya please I'm worried."

"Why? After all she did?"
"Why what?"
"Why did you take her back. You know what she did, she hurt you so bad, it took you years to get over her. We've come so far why take the steps back." Her voice was soft but pressing. She wanted answers.

"I still love her. I always have. Love does crazy things to a person. I can't help but forgive her."
"How can you forgive her. You've seen how she's been since she's gotten back. She treats us like shit!"
"What? No she doesn't she's not done anything since she got here."

He didn't know. He didn't know she hit them multiple times. He didn't know how she manipulated her into thinking her boyfriend hated her. He didn't know her mother drove her to the point where she won't even come out of her room.

"She is a horrible person and I'm sorry you can't see that. You're blinded by love and it's hurting our family."
"Your mother is not a horrible person, you just can't get over what she did. She said she's sorry so let it go Reya."
"She is not my mother how can you just ask me to let it go. I've had nightmares for years because of her, she tore our family apart I can't just forgive and forget just because she came running back with a shitty apology!"
"Don't talk about her like that. You just need to warm up to her again, you'll see I'm right. She is staying."

Reya was full of anger. How could her father do this? He knew how much it hurt her. He knows what he did how could he just let that go? A rush of adrenaline coursed through her and in the thrill of the moment she left. But not before shouting hateful words towards her father.


She slammed the door and got into her car. She didn't hate her father. How could she. He did so much for her. He helped her overcome her fears. He was always there for her when her mother wasn't. Through the sad times. Through the happy times. She loved him really.

Reya drove with tears in her eyes. She didn't know where she was going but she needed to get away. Little did she know once she returned she wouldn't leave again. Not for a while.

She drove until she physically had to pull over because she could no longer see the road. She sat and she cried. For hours.

Over the next month she became more isolated than ever. Rarely ever checking her phone, didn't stream didn't talk. She cut herself off from everyone. Everyday she would get a series of messages from Alex. About a week in he realised she wasn't going to message him back. But he kept messaging. He'd tell her about his day, hoping one day she would reply.

I think I might start counting the days.
Today would be day 7. It's been a whole week since you stopped messaging me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. Honestly I'm frightened. The last time couple times we've spoken you've been distant. So very distant. And I miss you.
Today we had a fun stream. I wish you were there. Karl was doing karaoke like always. Guess what he was singing? High school musical of course. You should've seen the duet he did with Sapnap of sweater weather. Me and dream did a duet of hey there Delilah. I think you'd love it if you listened to it. Also you know the neighbours moved out? Well someone moved in today. They are our age and they seem nice. You'd get on with them I'm sure. Well that's how my day went. How did your days go? I know you probably won't answer but it's worth a shot. Well anyway I'll talk to you tomorrow :)

Reya read every single one he sent. She was lucky he can't see when she read his messages. She read them as soon as she got them. It warmed her heart to see him message her everyday. To take the time to show he cared. This was the only thing keeping her going. But she never messaged back. She couldn't. She was scared if she messaged him like she normally did he would go back to not caring.

Reya wanted to reply. She wanted to tell him everything. But she couldn't speak. Her voice was trapped as if someone had taking her ability and locked it away.

She was glad he was still streaming and acting like normal. It made her feel better.

After 4 weeks of daily messages from Alex they started to wither away. Daily messages turned to every other day. That then turned into weekly messages. Weekly messages into once if she was lucky. Once to nothing. He stopped. He gave up. She lost him due to her lack of ability to message him back. She was finally at her lowest point. Rock bottom. She had no one. She couldn't stop reading the last message Alex sent her. It was considerably shorter than the others but still meaningful.

It's been 4 weeks. You've not messaged me back a single time. I'm losing hope. Please just message me back. Let me know you're okay. That's all I ask for. Please.
I miss you.
I always will.
Come back to me.

She broke down. Tears running down her cheeks. You only realise what you have when it's gone. She wanted him back. More than anything in the whole world.
She spent the rest of her days wishing he would message her again. But he didn't.

He was gone.

And she didn't know when they'd speak again...

Ahah definitely didn't cry while writing Alex's diary messages. :///// hope you enjoy this.

1390 words.

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