Part 2

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(Reya's pov)

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(Reya's pov)

It's always okay to not be okay.

You don't always have to be 100% all of the time.

Because honestly no one is.

Nobody will ever be 100% all of the time.

They may act like it, put on a mask, they may be good at concealing their emotions.

But one thing is for certain.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Just know there are people who you can talk to, people who are willing to help.

It may not seem like it now but things do get better, with time.

That's what I'm certain of.


Welcome to part 2.

If this little section relates to you in any way just know don't be scared to speak up, this is a safe place and I can assure you no one is here to judge. My Pms are always open to anyone who wants to talk, I am not a therapist but I am willing to listen to anything that's bothering you :)

I just wanted to thank you guys for all the support I'm getting. Honestly writing this book has been an escape from my boring life and to see so many people enjoying it makes me so happy. Today I reached 1k reads and I can't thank you guys enough. This means so much to me and I'm glad I can share with you this story.

So sit back relax and enjoy :)

So sit back relax and enjoy :)

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