Chapter 24

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Quackity's P.o.v

@spotifquack: Drivers license - Reya Galanis 1:52am EST
@spotifquack: looping!
@randomuser7: who hurt him?

"Alex you have been listening to that song for ages? Aren't you getting sick of it by now? I sure am." Meghan complained for the sixth time since she came round at 11:52 this morning.

Alex was laying on his bed staring at the empty ceiling, he had little to no emotion on his face. Honestly he wasn't sure how he should be feeling. Anger? Regret? Hurt? Her song had been looping for hours and hours on end. By now he knew all the lyrics and could quite possibly play it on piano without needing to look up the chords. He had been laying there over analysing every single line. Over and over again. Trying to find a deeper meaning to the words she sang to him. It was kind of obvious by now that she was talking about him but he needed to look for any hidden messages in the lyrics. To maybe put an end to his suffering.

He didn't reply to Meghan who was stood to the right of him. Merely just waved her off as the melody played from the beginning once again.

Meghan Scoffed, "You have got to be kidding me right now? Okay, so what, your ex wrote a song about you. Have you even considered that she's probably just using the situation to write a banger song her fans will love. Like come on she broke up with you, Alex, she doesn't get to be sad about it. She's the one who left you heartbroken." Alex sat up at the words that now floated around the room in silent echoes.

Meghan came to sit next to him, placing an arm around his shoulder. He tensed up at the contact but she took no notice of it. She grabbed his phone from his hand and changed the song to something a little more upbeat.

"Yeah your probably right..." Alex sighed heavily. He needed to get out of his own head.

Meghan smiled, suddenly feeling very proud of herself. "Of course I'm right, now do you wanna go watch a movie, my mother wants me home in two hours so we got some time."


Once the movie ended and Meghan left, Alex was alone once again. He hated the feeling but was slowly getting used to it. He thought back to earlier that morning, he couldn't decode the song for any other meanings. Meghan must've been right then... But something about it just made his stomach go up in flames. He could feel the burning desire to speak to her within him.

Even before the song, the breakup, there was something off. Reya disappeared for months at a time, her whole family slipped unnoticed off the face of the earth. Ever since the trip ended, that's when everything went downhill. When he met her at the beach during sunset, she went to break up with him and she had massive dark circles under eyes, they were bloodshot and watering with tears. That can't of just been from the breakup, there was so much pain behind her eyes. He was just too blinded by his own sorrows to see it. Another thing he would never have noticed at the time was the bruises that lay scattered across her ribs and arms.

With the burning desire eating away at him, he got up off the sofa and grabbed his car keys. No time for seconds thoughts in this household. The streets were weirdly empty for this time of day, not a single bit of traffic. He got to his destination a lot quicker than he expected to, that made him a little nervous. His heart was beating loud and fast as he got out of the car. He walked up towards the all too familiar door and he knocked lightly. When the brown, heavy door opened, he was met by a figure he didn't recognise. That would've been enough to convince him he was at the wrong house. He must've froze at the sight of her because the tall woman in front of him was looking at him concerned.

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